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发布: 2007-6-30 18:56 | 作者: admin | 来源: | 查看: 14次 | 进入软件测试论坛讨论

领测软件测试网 <%
‘’ make sure you have the 6 dir_*.gif files!
‘’ yes, you can copy ours if ya want too.. :)
‘’ http://line9.com/img/dir_dir.gif .. etc.
Function ShowImageForType(strName)
strTemp = strName
If strTemp <> "dir" Then
strTemp = LCase(Right(strTemp, Len(strTemp) - InStrRev(strTemp, ".", -1, 1)))
End If
Select Case strTemp
Case "dir"
strTemp = "dir"
Case "asp"
strTemp = "asp"
Case "htm", "html"
strTemp = "htm"
Case "gif", "jpg", "jpeg", "png", "tif", "cpt", "bmp", "pcx", "tga", "psd", "eps"
strTemp = "img"
Case "txt", "text", "dat", "bat", "sys"
strTemp = "txt"
Case Else
strTemp = "misc"
End Select
strTemp = "<img src=""img/dir_"&strTemp&".gif"" width=16 height=16 border=0>"
ShowImageForType = strTemp
End Function
Tek9 = Request.QueryString("Tek9")
If Tek9 = "" Then strPath = "myDirectory/" Else strPath = Tek9
Set objFSO = Server.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set objFolder = objFSO.GetFolder(Server.MapPath(strPath))
Response.Write"<b>View our files and folders here:</b><br>"&_
"<table border=0><tr><td colspan=2>"&_
"<img src=""img/dir_dir_open.gif"" width=16 height=13 border=0> <font face=Arial
For Each objItem In objFolder.SubFolders
If InStr(1, objItem, "_vti", 1) = 0 Then
Response.Write"<tr><td><font face=Arial size=2> "&ShowImageForType("dir")&" "&_
"<a href=""myFile.asp?Tek9="&strPath&objItem.Name&"/"">"&_
""&objItem.Name&"</a></font></td><td> </td></tr>"
End If
For Each objItem In objFolder.Files
Response.Write"<tr><td><font face=Arial size=2>"&_
" "&ShowImageForType(objItem.Name)&" "&_
"<a href="""&strPath&objItem.Name&""">"&objItem.Name&"</a></font></td>"&_
"<td align=right><font face=Arial size=2>"&objItem.Size&"</font></td></tr>"
Set objItem = Nothing
Set objFolder = Nothing
Set objFSO = Nothing


文章来源于领测软件测试网 https://www.ltesting.net/

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