feeling 回复于:2002-03-21 10:56:53 |
With the help of SAM you can get them easily. First : SAM --> Performance Monitors --> System Properties --> Then you can see the screen like this: Processor Memory Operating System Network Dynamic |
开心 回复于:2002-03-21 11:36:31 |
谢谢 |
funny 回复于:2002-03-22 15:42:01 |
好象可以用Ioscan同样可以。 |
guoxp6 回复于:2002-03-28 23:07:57 |
请教,用ioscan如何看? |
zwx 回复于:2002-04-05 14:33:53 |
在命令行方式下怎么看? |
tommywch 回复于:2002-04-17 16:05:36 |
# ioscan -fnC processor Class I H/W Path Driver S/W State H/W Type Description =================================================================== processor 0 32 processor CLAIMED PROCESSOR Processor processor 1 34 processor CLAIMED PROCESSOR Processor |
夜间的鹰 回复于:2002-05-15 17:41:45 |
dmesg |grep processor 也可能看到。 |
scorpion 回复于:2002-05-24 17:00:21 |
dmesg最简单也最快,还可以查到内存等其他信息。 |
paullu 回复于:2002-05-28 18:26:47 |
但有时dmesg不一定能看得到哟 |
lwhao 回复于:2002-05-29 09:47:32 |
mstm 收集主机信息! |
lily1969 回复于:2002-05-29 11:23:22 |
用model命令也可以察看机型和cpu主频 |
milar 回复于:2002-12-24 18:03:10 |
#echo "itick_per_usec/D" | adb /stand/vmunix /dev/mem 可看见主频是多少 |
pd-11 回复于:2002-12-28 20:18:16 |
总是看到这种重复问来问去的问题 |
albert 回复于:2002-12-29 16:12:30 |
[这个贴子最后由albert在 2002/12/29 04:13pm 编辑] 在Josephxd的贴子HPUX"FAQ"中都能找到答案(见顶)! ![]() |
文章来源于领测软件测试网 https://www.ltesting.net/