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发布: 2008-2-17 16:39 | 作者: 易水 | 来源: 网络 | 查看: 337次 | 进入软件测试论坛讨论

领测软件测试网 UMTS

  For effective, efficient communications, standardization is critical, and nowhere is this more evident than in the areas of mobile computing and cellular telephony.
  If you need data access or e-mail through your cell phone, you’re likely to be using one of two different technologies: Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA) or Global Service of Mobile Communication (GSM).
  Both CDMA and GSM are second-generation (2G) technologies, and they have co-existed for several years. Each technology has its supporters. CDMA phones are engineered specifically for an individual carrier, whereas GSM phones make use of a removable memory card called the Subscriber Identity Module (SIM). A SIM card contains all the key information required to activate a phone, including the user’s telephone number, personal identification number, address book and encoded network identification details. A user can easily move a SIM from one phone to another.
  Though GSM phones are interoperable with one another, different countries use different parts of the frequency spectrum, so “world phones” typically must be capable of using several frequencies.
  Today, the fastest-growing use of cellular networks is for the transmission of all kinds of data and rich media, including Web sites, video, music, images, and maps and driving directions. The older 2G networks simply couldn’t handle that volume of traffic, and they couldn’t offer the speed needed for transmitting large files. The answer was to make the services faster and build out the networks to deal with more traffic.
  Here, too, the CDMA and GSM paths continued their separate but parallel development. CDMA brought us CDMA2000 and 1xRTT networks. The most recent developments are 1x Evolution Data Optimized, or EV-DO, and 1x Evolution Data/Voice, or EV-DV.
  Similarly, GSM begat General Packet Radio Service, or GPRS, which begat enhanced data rates for GSM evolution, or EDGE. EDGE was developed to enable the transmission of large amounts of data at a high speed, 384Kbit/sec. The latest generation is called Wideband Code Division Multiple Access (WCDMA).
  And this finally brings us to Universal Mobile Telecommunications System.
  The International Telecommunication Union (ITU), a specialized agency of the United Nations, has attempted to coordinate these competing technologies to improve throughput and increase interoperability. The International Mobile Telecommunications 2000 standard is a third-generation digital communications specification from the ITU. And the European (i.e., GSM-based) implementation of IMT-2000 is UMTS, which is based on WCDMA. Previous cellular telephone data systems were mostly circuit-switched, requiring a dedicated connection. WCDMA is packet-switched, using the Internet Protocol. The first commercial WCDMA network was launched in Japan in 2001.
  UMTS has been specified as an integrated application for mobile voice and data systems with wide-area coverage. aUsing globally harmonized spectrum in paired and unpaired bands, early implementations of UMTS offer theoretical bit rates of up to 384Kbit/sec. in situations where the mobile device is actually moving. The current goal is to achieve 2Mbit/sec. when both ends of the connection are (at least temporarily) stationary.
  UMTS operates on radio frequencies identified by the ITU IMT-2000 specification document and licensed to operators, using a 5-MHz-wide channel that simplifies deployment for network providers that have been granted large, contiguous blocks of spectrum. Most UMTS systems use frequencies between 1,885 and 2,025 MHz.
  UMTS assigns separate carrier frequencies to incoming and outbound signals, a process called frequency division duplexing (FDD). For symmetric traffic, such as two-way videophones, FDD is highly efficient, allowing uplink and download data rates to be equal, in contrast to technologies such as Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line service, which typically offers upload rates that are much slower than its download rates. FDD reduces interference and wastes no bandwidth in switching from transmitting to receiving.
  Ongoing work within the 3rd Generation Partnership Project promises increased throughput speeds over the WCDMA Radio Access Network. High-Speed Downlink Packet Access and High-Speed Uplink Packet Access technologies are already standardized, and commercial operators in Asia and North America are putting them through network trials. With theoretical download speeds as high as 14.4Mbit/sec. and uplink speeds of up to 5.8Mbit/sec., these technologies will make it possible for UMTS to offer data transmission speeds comparable to those of hard-wired Ethernet-based networks.

  国际电信联盟(ITU)是联合国下属的一个专门机构,它试图协调这些相竞争的技术,以提高吞吐量和增强互操作性。国际移动通信2000(IMT-2000)是ITU的第三代数字通信规范。IMT2000的欧洲(基于GSM的)实现就是UMTS,它基于WCDMA。以前的蜂窝网电话数据系统多数是电路交换的,需要专门的连接。而WCDMA是包交换的,采用因特网协议。第一个商用WCDMA于2001年在日本开通。       UMTS已经被指定为大范围覆盖的移动话音和数据系统的综合应用。利用全球协调的成对和不成对频段,早期的UMTS实现了对实际移动着的移动设备提供384Kb/秒的理论速率。当前的目标是当连接的两端是固定时(至少暂时)要达到2Mb/秒。
  UMTS工作在ITU IMT-2000规范文档指定并发放给营运商的无线电频率上,使用5兆赫频宽的信道简化了那些被授予连续的大频段的网络提供商的部署。大多数UMTS系统使用1885 至2025 兆赫之间的频率。


文章来源于领测软件测试网 https://www.ltesting.net/

TAG: 移动通信

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