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发布: 2007-6-08 22:43 | 作者: seanhe | 来源: Blog.ChinaUnix.net


领测软件测试网 AIX 5.1 ML02 -> ML06

IY19375按照命令安装不上,T_T,smitty update_all 找不到fileset

AIX 5100(02)-06 Recommended Maintenance Package Package information
This is a recommended maintenance package for AIX 5.1. IBM recommends that all customers install this package. The designation 5100(02)-06 indicates that this package updates AIX 5.1 from maintenance level 02 (5100-02) to maintenance level 06 (5100-06).

To determine if AIX 5100-06 is already installed on your system, run the following command:
oslevel -r

General description
This package contains code corrections for the AIX operating system and many related subsystems. It also contains support code for the new pSeries 660 and pSeries 610.

This package has been divided into two volumes:

Volume 1
Contains all the basic maintenance level updates that all customers will need to update to maintenance level 5100-06.

Volume 2
Contains certain LOCALE updates that many customers will not require. To determine if you need Volume 2, first download, and then install Volume 1. Next, run the oslevel -r command. If the output is 5100-06, then you do not need Volume 2. If the output is less than 5100-06, then you need to download and install Volume 2.

*IMPORTANT* If your system uses JFS2 file systems in the root volume group, you must manually install the fix for APAR IY19375 first. After applying the fix, you must reboot your system prior to installing the maintenance package. Failure to do so can result in boot failure.

Run lsfs -v jfs2 to determine if your system uses JFS2 file systems. This command returns no output if it finds only standard file systems.

Run instfix -i -k IY19375 to determine if your system has APAR IY19375 installed.

Download and install instructions

Follow these steps to update your system to maintenance level 5100-06.

Note: IBM recommends that you create a separate file system for /usr/sys/inst.images to prevent the expansion of the /usr file system. For more information, see the Install tips.

  1. Click on the link for the Volume 1 package (the *.tar.gz filename) below.
  2. Put the package in the /usr/sys/inst.images directory.
  3. Extract the filesets from the package by using the following commands:
    1. cd /usr/sys/inst.images
    2. gzip -d -c 510006.v1.tar.gz | tar -xvf -
  4. Back up your system.
  5. Install the package by creating a table of contents for install to use. Then update the install subsystem itself. Run SMIT to complete the installation.
    1. inutoc /usr/sys/inst.images
    2. installp -acgXd /usr/sys/inst.images bos.rte.install
    3. smit update_all
  6. Run the oslevel -r command. Depending on the output, do one of the following:
    Output from oslevel -r is 5100-06
    Your system has all the files it needs. Reboot your system. This maintenance package replaces critical operating system code.

    Output from oslevel -r is not 5100-06
    Your system needs Volume 2 of the maintenance package. Return to the first step and click the Volume 2 package link. Follow the procedure through Step 5 to install Volume 2, using the 510006.v2.tar.gz filename in Step 3. After installing Volume 2, reboot your system. This maintenance package replaces critical operating system code.

用Specified fix方式下载显示如下

An error has occurred. Try your request again.

If the error occurs again, use the Feedback link to open a Feedback form.
Include the following information on the form.
  • The URL for this page
  • The date and time when you received the error
  • The following error message.

    Fix package contains no fixes.
    This can occur if the maintenance level you selected already contains the fix, or if detailed system fix information you provided indicates that the fix has already been installed in your system.
    Change packaging options.

另:看到有ML07,一查Volume1 384M,临时空间5xxM近六百兆,解压出来1.5G,晕,这么大!

Volume 1510007.v1.tar.gz 05/17/04 All 380,682,872 1588067650

Additional space needed to extract the filesets 565,207,040

Volume 2 510007.v2.tar.gz 05/17/04 All 199,779,516 226174166

Additional space needed to extract the filesets 473,559,040


文章来源于领测软件测试网 https://www.ltesting.net/

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