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Tape drive is unavailable in 3494

发布: 2007-6-08 22:43 | 作者: seanhe | 来源: | 查看: 33次 | 进入软件测试论坛讨论

领测软件测试网 How to unload the tape from a 3590 drive in 3494?

Tape drive is unavailable in 3494



IBM tape library 3494 with 8 drives



In the TSM, q path shows No.8 drive offline, but q drive is normal.

q vol access=unava shows a tape unavailable named A00173.

In the No.8 tape drive’s panel, display “ATTN DRIVE”.

In the 3494 front panel, the inv light is slashing.




Unload tape in the unavailable drive



1.ant: normal; font-weight: normal; font-size: 7pt; line-height: normal; font-size-adjust: none; font-stretch: normal;">          in the 3494 control panel, change to service mode

2.          select Availability ---- set physical tape subsystem availability

3.          choose frame 2 and press change availability

4.          you can find No.8 drive not tick, you  should remember it’s location

5.          open the back door using key

6.          release two stews to release the drive

7.          pull out the whole drive

8.          you can see A00173 is in the tape drive

9.          choose unload tape from the drive’s panel

10.      if it fail, reset the drive from the panel

11.      if it fail, reset the drive by pressing the power switch in back

12.      put a 999 tape in the tape drive

13.      make a diagnostic

14.      reject the tape

15.      push the tape drive draw into the original location

16.      tie the stews

17.      close the back door

18.      select pause from the operation menu

19.      confirm the power of accessor is off

20.      open the front door

21.      put the A00173 tape in the left up slot

22.      close the front door

23.      in the 3494 control panel, change to service mode

24.      select Availability ---- set physical tape subsystem availability

25.      choose frame 2 and press change availability

26.      tick on the unavailable drive and press change availability

27.      in TSM admin console, online the tape paths

28.      change vol A00173 access=readw

29.      q vol A00173 f=d

30.      q path

31.      q drive

32.      confirm the drive, path and the tape is normal





文章来源于领测软件测试网 https://www.ltesting.net/

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