sco openserver 507下安装U盘,其实这个方法是lvgq2001测出来的,我只是将具体方法写出来。
# hwconfig -h
device address vec dma comment
======== ============= === === ================================================
kernel - - - rel=3.2v5.0.7 kid=2003-02-18
cpu - - - unit=1 family=6 type=Pentium III (model

cpuid - - - unit=1 vend=GenuineIntel tfms=0:6:8:3(2)
fpu - 13 - unit=1 type=80387-compatible
pci 0xcf8-0xcff - - am=1 sc=1 buses=4
PnP - - - nodes=0
clock - - - type=TSC/804.021710Mhz
serial 0x3f8-0x3ff 4 - unit=0 type=Standard nports=1 base=0 16550A/16
serial 0x2f8-0x2ff 3 - unit=1 type=Standard nports=1 base=8 16550A/16
console - - - unit=vga type=0 num=12 scoansi=1 scroll=50
floppy 0x3f2-0x3f7 6 2 unit=0 type=135ds18
kbmouse 0x60-0x64 12 - type=Keyboard|PS/2 mouse (wheel) id=0x03
udi - - - UDI environment
adapter - - - ha=0 type=usb_msto UDI SCSI HBA
adapter 0x170-0x177 15 - type=IDE ctlr=secondary dvr=wd
eeE0 0xd800-0xd81f 9 - type=EE PRO/100+ 00:90:27:99:11:e5
cd-rom - - - type=IDE unit=0 ctlr=sec cfg=mst dvr=Srom->wd
disk 0x1f0-0x1f7 14 - type=W0 unit=0 cyls=2490 hds=255 secs=63
usb_uhci - 5 - PCI bus=0 dev=31 func=2
usb_uhci - 9 - PCI bus=0 dev=31 func=4
[color=red:da2d98589d]floppy - - - type=S ha=0 id=0 lun=0 bus=0 ht=usb_msto unit=0[/color:da2d98589d]
# mkdev hd
Your root hard disk is attached to an IDE controller.
Pick one of the choices below or you may quit and
invoke mkdev hd -u for a detailed usage message.
1) Add a hard disk to an IDE controller
2) Add a hard disk to a SCSI controller
3) Add a hard disk to an IDA controller (EISA)
4) Add a hard disk to a USB controller
Enter 1, 2, 3, 4 or enter 'q' to quit: 4
The Host Adapter parameters will be automatically configured
What is the USB Device ID for this device?
Select 0-15, or h for help, or q to quit: 0
What is the LUN of this device?
Press <Return> to use the default: 0
Select 0-7, or h for help, or q to quit: 0
You are about to add the following USB device:
USB Hard Disk configured as USB Device ID 0, LUN 0
Update USB configuration? (y/n) y
The USB configuration file has been updated.
A new kernel must be built and rebooted before disk configuration can continue.
Would you like to relink at this time? (y/n) y
The UNIX Operating System will now be rebuilt.
This will take a few minutes. Please wait.
Root for this system build is /
The UNIX Kernel has been rebuilt.
Do you want this kernel to boot by default? (y/n) y
Backing up unix to unix.old
Installing new unix on the boot file system
The kernel environment includes device node files and /etc/inittab.
The new kernel may require changes to /etc/inittab or device nodes.
Do you want the kernel environment rebuilt? (y/n) y
The kernel has been successfully linked and installed.
To activate it, reboot your system.
Setting up new kernel environment
After the system is rebooted with the new kernel,
reinvoke mkdev hd to initialize the new hard disk.
# reboot 重新启动系统
# mkdev hd
Your root hard disk is attached to an IDE controller.
Pick one of the choices below or you may quit and
invoke mkdev hd -u for a detailed usage message.
1) Add a hard disk to an IDE controller
2) Add a hard disk to a SCSI controller
3) Add a hard disk to an IDA controller (EISA)
4) Add a hard disk to a USB controller
Enter 1, 2, 3, 4 or enter 'q' to quit: 4
The Host Adapter parameters will be automatically configured
What is the USB Device ID for this device?
Select 0-15, or h for help, or q to quit: 0
What is the LUN of this device?
Press <Return> to use the default: 0
Select 0-7, or h for help, or q to quit: 0
Disk already configured as disk number 1 (/dev/dsk/1s0)
During installation you may choose to overwrite all
or part of the present contents of your hard disk.
Do you wish to continue? (y/n) y
The hard disk installation program will now invoke /etc/fdisk.
Entering 'q' at the following menu will exit /etc/fdisk,
and the hard disk installation will continue.
If you wish to exit the entire installation at this menu,
press the <DEL> key.
1. Display Partition Table
2. Use Entire Disk for UNIX
3. Use Rest of Disk for UNIX
4. Create UNIX Partition
5. Activate Partition
6. Delete Partition
7. Create Partition
Enter your choice or 'q' to quit: q
WARNING: There is no ACTIVE UNIX partition.
Do you wish to specify an active UNIX partition? (y/n) n
scsi version = 0
vendor = NEWMAN
Can't read bad block table: No such device or address
Hard disk initialization procedure completed.
#mount /dev/dsk/1sC /mnt
#cd /mnt
wuzy 回复于:2003-04-29 16:20:45 |
太好了老大,偶找了一个星期了快,感激ing |
jh928 回复于:2003-04-23 14:35:15 |
U盘在win中速度很慢,在UNIX中测试速度怎样? |
huichi 回复于:2003-04-23 14:48:50 |
在5.05的版本下安装能成功吗? |
answer 回复于:2003-04-23 14:54:59 |
也慢…… |
answer 回复于:2003-04-23 14:57:48 |
不行 |
gooco66 回复于:2003-04-25 11:48:33 |
5.06中也一样吗? |
sdccf 回复于:2003-04-25 13:29:04 |
5.0.6需要打rs506a这个补丁。 |
simonzhan 回复于:2003-04-26 00:58:03 |
好,收下先,谢了! |
alanlql 回复于:2003-04-26 03:13:03 |
5.0.5下这个东东好用吗? |
sdccf 回复于:2003-04-26 06:12:35 |
5.0.5下不行。 |
jzzeng 回复于:2003-04-26 16:11:13 |
rs506a 那里有阿 |
alanlql 回复于:2003-04-26 16:15:20 |
UNIX的所有补丁: |
answer 回复于:2003-04-26 22:00:31 |
[quote:435884bd39="alanlql"]UNIX的所有补丁:[/quote:435884bd39] 最好直接到ftp下载 |
alanlql 回复于:2003-04-27 00:03:24 |
caldera和SCO是同一家, 和 是一样的,谁不信可试一下,sco已被caldera吃掉了. 这个比FTP好,有说明. |
ax9215 回复于:2003-04-28 11:28:02 |
好啊,今天晚上就升极 |
ql619 回复于:2003-05-24 10:22:17 |
补丁具体怎么打呢?谢谢! |
吃猫 回复于:2003-06-13 10:29:18 |
可以和windows共用一个U盘吗? |
zxs_xj 回复于:2003-06-19 21:10:38 |
sco506升级之后安装优盘,没有第四项安装选项呀!! |
cxfwys 回复于:2003-07-03 09:21:15 |
我试过,非常好用,非常谢谢answer |
hbczjzy 回复于:2003-09-22 21:00:14 |
/dev/rdsk 中不能建立1s0 设备文件 为何??? |