如需要转载,请注明转自CU_Solairs论坛 [color=white:fb528a2d5b]By Arthur[/color:fb528a2d5b]
如果磁盘没有一个唯一的ID的话SDS和VXVM没办法使用,因为是SCSI的阵列,所以存在SCSI ID
问题的关键在于 /kernel/drv/sd.conf这个文件。
# .netstat -k | grep -i vendor
Soft Errors 0 Hard Errors 0 Transport Errors 0 Vendor TOSHIBA
Soft Errors 0 Hard Errors 0 Transport Errors 0 Vendor FUJITSU
dmaxh_inits 0 link_down_cnt 0 phy_failures 0 xcvr_vendor 524311
dmaxh_inits 0 link_down_cnt 0 phy_failures 0 xcvr_vendor 24605
dmaxh_inits 0 link_down_cnt 0 phy_failures 0 xcvr_vendor 524311
# netstat -k | grep -i product
Product XM6201TASUN32XCDRevision Revision 1103 Serial No 12/12/97 Size
18446744073709551615 Media Error 0 Device Not Ready 0
Product MAG3091L SUN9.0GRevision Revision 1111 Serial No 02435009 Size
9055065600 Media Error 0 Device Not Ready 0
# format -e
Searching for disks...done
0. c0t0d0 <SUN9.0G cyl 4924 alt 2 hd 27 sec 133>
Specify disk (enter its number): 0
selecting c0t0d0
[disk formatted]
Warning: Current Disk has mounted partitions.
disk - select a disk
type - select (define) a disk type
partition - select (define) a partition table
current - describe the current disk
format - format and analyze the disk
repair - repair a defective sector
label - write label to the disk
analyze - surface analysis
defect - defect list management
backup - search for backup labels
verify - read and display labels
save - save new disk/partition definitions
inquiry - show vendor, product and revision
scsi - independent SCSI mode selects
cache - enable, disable or query SCSI disk cache
volname - set 8-character volume name
!<cmd> - execute <cmd>, then return
format> scsi
Warning: these functions are intended for expert use only, for
debugging disk devices and for unusual configuration settings.
It is recommended that you do not use this menu for normal disk
configuration and formatting, unless you have explicit instructions,
or know exactly what you are doing.
p<n> - display a mode sense page
p<n> b<n> <op> [~]<n> - change a byte and issue mode select
b<n> <op> [~]<n> - add an operation to the mode select list
for the current page
where: p<n> specifies the page with page code <n>
b<n> specifies byte <n> of the page
<op> can be one of the following operators:
= (set specified value)
|= (bitwise OR with current value)
&= (bitwise AND with current value)
<n> can be a decimal value in the range 0-255,
or two hexadecimal digits, in the form 0x<xx>.
[~] complements the specified value
apply - apply mode select list
cancel - cancel mode select list
display - display mode select list
all - display all supported mode sense pages
default p<n> - mode select page <n> to default values
default all - mode select all pages to default values
format - format without standard mode selects
inquiry - display device's inquiry response
list - list common SCSI-2 mode pages
!<cmd> - execute <cmd> , then return
scsi> inquiry
00 00 02 42 29 00 01 3a 46 55 4a 49 54 53 55 20 ...B)..:FUJITSU
4d 41 47 33 30 39 31 4c 20 53 55 4e 39 2e 30 47 MAG3091L SUN9.0G
31 31 31 31 30 30 31 34 34 33 35 30 30 1111001443500
Product: MAG3091L SUN9.0G
Revision: 1111
Removable media: no
Device type: 0
ISO version: 0
ECMA version: 0
ANSI version: 2
Async event notification: no
Terminate i/o process msg: yes
Response data format: 2
Additional length: 41
Relative addressing: no
32 bit transfers: no
16 bit transfers: yes
Synchronous transfers: yes
Linked commands: yes
Command queueing: yes
Soft reset option: no
00 00 02 42 29 00 01 3a 46 55 4a 49 54 53 55 20 ...B)..:FUJITSU
4d 41 47 33 30 39 31 4c 20 53 55 4e 39 2e 30 47 MAG3091L SUN9.0G
31 31 31 31 30 30 31 34 34 33 35 30 30 1111001443500
Product: MAG3091L SUN9.0G
Revision: 1111
Removable media: no
Device type: 0
ISO version: 0
ECMA version: 0
ANSI version: 2
Async event notification: no
Terminate i/o process msg: yes
Response data format: 2
Additional length: 41
Relative addressing: no
32 bit transfers: no
16 bit transfers: yes
Synchronous transfers: yes
Linked commands: yes
Command queueing: yes
Soft reset option: no
"vendor product ", "anystring";
"vendor product "记录有24位组成,分别是8位的vendor string和16位的product
修改完了重新启动reboot -- -r
peng 回复于:2003-11-29 20:58:28 |
感谢,看来你身边的机器环境不错啊。。:) |
C.Arthur 回复于:2003-11-29 21:03:41 |
还行吧,都是些旧机器啊 |
peng 回复于:2003-11-29 21:09:39 |
我也是,都是一堆e450。。。。 希望能买点新的。。 |
C.Arthur 回复于:2003-11-29 21:20:51 |
很羡慕人家网管,啥机器都能弄 |
nanaskylead 回复于:2003-11-30 12:01:35 |
不错了,我还有ss5呢?见过没? |
C.Arthur 回复于:2003-11-30 12:38:12 |
见过了,哈哈 |
文章来源于领测软件测试网 https://www.ltesting.net/