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Install oracle client on Solaris

发布: 2007-7-02 11:08 | 作者: admin | 来源: | 查看: 13次 | 进入软件测试论坛讨论


Install oracle client on Solaris

To install oracle client on Solaris 5.8, Please follow this steps:


1.      Create a user account on Solaris, just like: oracle9i.

2.      Log on Solaris with the account.

3.      Download the oracle 9i (64 bit) files from oracle website.

4.      Upload them to Solaris server.

5.      Uncompress oracle 9i files:

    1).Uncompress the file using "gunzip".

Eg.: "gunzip solaris64_9."

2).Extract the file resulting from the step above using "cpio".

Eg.: "cpio -idmv < solaris64_9."

3).Repeat this for solaris64_9.

and solaris64_9.

6.      To start installer from disk1 etup.

7.      Select the oracle client for installation type.

8.      Following the installation wizard, you can finish the installation easily.


文章来源于领测软件测试网 https://www.ltesting.net/

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