The function fmt helps you to format a string in VBScript as you do in C.
In C, if you write:
printf( "this is %s number %d", "test", 1 );
then you would use the function fmt in VBScript like this:
dim str
str = fmt( "this is %x number %x", Array("test", 1) )
The complete function looks like this:
´ works like the printf-function in C.
´ takes a string with format characters and an array
´ to expand.
´ the format characters are always "%x", independ of the
´ type.
´ usage example:
´ dim str
´ str = fmt( "hello, Mr. %x, today´s date is %x.", Array("Miller",Date) )
´ response.Write str
function fmt( str, args )
dim res ´ the result string.
res = ""
dim pos ´ the current position in the args array.
pos = 0
dim i
for i = 1 to Len(str)
´ found a fmt char.
if Mid(str,i,1)="%" then
if i<Len(str) then
´ normal percent.
if Mid(str,i+1,1)="%" then
res = res & "%"
i = i + 1
´ expand from array.
elseif Mid(str,i+1,1)="x" then
res = res & CStr(args(pos))
pos = pos+1
i = i + 1
end if
end if
´ found a normal char.
res = res & Mid(str,i,1)
end if
fmt = res
end function
The format character is always %x, independent of the actual type, since VBScript has no direct types like integer or string.