这类程序很多,如blat,sendmail for windows,cgimail等等,它们的用法和UNIX下的sendmail极其相似,许多UNIX下CGI程序不用怎么修改就可以在Windows下使用.
Blat http://www.blat.com (免费)
Sendmail for NT http://www.sendmail.com (商业软件)
CgiMail http://www.stalkerlab.ch/ (免费)
Sendmail for Windows http://www.green-bean.com/bcware/sendmail.htm (共享软件)
另外Zeng Hui朋友(zeng_h@mail.hb.cnpc.com.cn)给我来信说他发现在SAMBAR 4.1中的BIN目录下有个MAILIT.EXE文件,其功能与BLAT.EXE相同,而且不用先安装.
系统必须支持SMTP协议,NT中可安装Exchange Server
use Net::SMTP;
my $to = 'preston@home.com';
my $from = $ENV{USER} || $ENV{USERNAME};
my $subject = "Another test";
my $smtp = Net::SMTP->new('mail');
$smtp->datasend("To: $to\n");
$smtp->datasend("From: $from\n");
$smtp->datasend("Subject: $subject\n");
$smtp->datasend("X-MyToken: ABCD\n");
$smtp->datasend("A simple test message\n");
$smtp->dataend() || print "FAILED send!\n";
print "\nMAIL sent OK\n";
注意"$ENV{USER}"是Unix中用的,而$ENV{USERNAME}"是Windows NT中用的
下面的程序在Perl for Win32 (build 316)正常运行过
# Sender's Name and Password
my $sender = "Microsoft Outlook"; # profile to be used
my $passwd = "MS Exhange Settings Password"; #profile password
# Create a new MAPI Session
use OLE;
$session = CreateObject OLE 'MAPI.Session' || die $!;
my $err = $session->Logon($sender, $passwd);
if ($err) {
die "Logon failed: $!";
# Add a new message to the Outbox.
$msg = $session->Outbox->Messages->Add();
# Add the recipient.
$rcpt = $msg->Recipients->Add();
$rcpt->{Name} = 'recepient@host.org'; # email address of recepient
# Create a subject and a body.
$msg->{Subject} = "Test Message";
$msg->{Text} =
"This is a sample test message. Using NT 4.0.
Mr. Email";
# Send the message and log off.
$msg->Send(0, 0, 0);
$profile="MS Exchange Settings";#profile name
$password="MS Exhange Settings Password";#profile password
system("mapisend -u \"$profile\" -p \"$password\" -f \"$attachment\" -s
\"$subject\" -r $recipient -m \"$mailmessage\"")
文章来源于领测软件测试网 https://www.ltesting.net/