LED 显示080c时死机
LED: 080c P1-110/Q1
屏幕上:Starting software,please waite.
closing stdin and stdout............
Display Value 80c
Explanation Progress indicator. The SSA adapter is being identified or configured.
System Action The configuration method for the SSA adapter is being run. If an irrecoverable error occurs, the system halts.
User Action If the system halts with this value, go to "Hardware Diagnostics" in in AIX Problem Solving Guide and Reference. If these procedures find a problem, report the problem to your hardware service organization. Otherwise, report the problem to your software service organization, and then stop. You have completed these procedures.
在网上发帖子,得到的答复都指向SSA Adapter的电池问题。于是今天再去察看。发现11槽的灯不亮。在IBM官方网站上关于SSA Adapter的文章明确表示,SSA卡正常工作时,指示灯是长亮的。
Battery assembly - IBM PN 44L0305
Manfactured for IBM Comp.
Label PN 44L0308
Model 3N-250AAA
3.6V 250mAh
文章来源于领测软件测试网 https://www.ltesting.net/