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发布: 2008-2-03 11:21 | 作者: 张华 | 来源: 不详 | 查看: 64次 | 进入软件测试论坛讨论


4 BITs重用研究案例

  一个二分查找的 BIT对象的如标记B所示, 该BIT对象分为两部分:一般的方法(成员函数)和 BIT方法(函数)。该BIT对象中通过内建一个测试用例来说明BIT s方法。

  在常态模式下,标记B中普通的方法被调用:BITsBinarySearch::BinarySearch(int Key, int DataSet[10])。

  在测试模式下,内嵌的BIT成分通过调用 BITsBinarySearch::BIT1()被重用.

  Class BITsBinarySearch {

  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //


  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //

  Member functions

  BITsBinarySearch(); // The constructor

  ~BITsBinarySearch(); // The destructor

  int BinarySearch (int Key; int DataSet[10]); // The conventional object

  void BIT1(); // The built-in-tests 1...3


  // Implementation


  // ================================

  // Part 1: The conventional function code

  // ================================

  int BinarySearch (int Key, int DataSet[10])


  // The conventional object

  // Assume: DataSet is ordered

  // LastElement -FirstElement >=0

  // and FirstElement >=0

  // Input: Key to be found in the DataSet

  // Output: TestElemIndex


  int bott, top, i;

  int found;

  found = false;

  Bott = 1;

  Top = ArraySize (DataSet); // The last element in DataSet

  while (bott <= top) && (not found)


  i = floor ((bott + top)/2));

  if DataSet[i] == Key

  Found = true;

  else if DataSet[i] < Key

  Bott = i +1

  else Top = i +1;


  if found == true

  return i; // The index of the element

  else return 0; // An indicator of not existence


  // ==================================

  // Part 2: The BITs

  // ==================================

  // BIT case 1

  // ---------------------------------------------------------

  void BIT1()


  // BIT case 1: Array size of 1, key in array


  int DataSet[1] = {16};

  int Key = 16;

  int StdElemIndex = 1;

  int TestElemIndex;

  char TestResult1[5];

  // Test implementation

  TestElemIndex = BinarySearch (Key, DataSet);

  // Test analysis

  cout << “StdElemIndex1 = ” << StdElemIndex << “\n”;

  cout << “TestElemIndex1 = ” << TestElemIndex << “\n”;

  if TestElemIndex == StdElemIndex

  TestResult1 = “OK”;

  else TestResult1 = “FALSE”;

  cout << “TestResult1: ” << TestResult1 << “\n”;



  标记B 二分查找BIT对象


  Class DatabaseQuery: public BITsBinarySearch



  // Part 1: The inherited conventional functions


  int DatabaseQueryBinarySearch (int Key, int DataSet[10]) :

  BITsBinarySearch::BinarySearch(int Key; int DataSet[10]);


  // Part 2: The inherited BIT functions


  void BIT1() : BITsBinarySearch::BIT1();


  // Part 3: The newly developed BITs


  // BIT case 2

  // ---------------------------------------------------------------

  void BIT2()


  // BIT case 2: Even array size, key 1st element in array


  int DataSet [6] = {16,18,21,23,29,33};

  int Key = 16;

  int StdElemIndex = 1;

  int TestElemIndex;

  char TestResult2 [5];

  // Test implementation

  TestElemIndex = BinarySearch (Key, DataSet);

  // Test analysis

  cout << “StdElemIndex2 = ” << StdElemIndex << “\n”;

  cout << “TestElemIndex2 = ” << TestElemIndex << “\n”;

  if TestElemIndex == StdElemIndex

  TestResult4 = “OK”;

  else TestResult2 = “FALSE”;

  cout << “TestResult2: ” << TestResult2 << “\n”;


  标记C DatabaseQuery对象

  新BIT对象 DatabaseQuery中,源至BITsBinarySearch 对象的BITs方法依然通过DatabaseQuery::BIT1()(等同于BITsBinarySearch::BIT1)被激活。DatabaseQuery中新的BITs方法以同样的方式DatabaseQuery::BIT2()得到激活。

  5 结论




  本文作者在本文的写作中得到了European Software Institute和IVF Centre for Software Engineering两个机构的支持,我们在此还要感谢他们对此提出有价值的评论。


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