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RFC93 - Initial Connection Protocol

发布: 2007-6-23 14:09 | 作者:   | 来源:   | 查看: 18次 | 进入软件测试论坛讨论


  Network Working Group A. McKenzie
Request for Comments #93 BBN
Updates RFC's 66, 80 January 1971

Initial Connection Protocol

A review of the Initial Connection Protocol (ICP) first

described in RFC#66 and restated in RFC#80 has revealed an area of
ambiguity, which in turn reflects an ambiguity in the Host-Host
Protocol Document No. 1. This is the definition of the message sent
over the connection from "Server socket #1". In both referenced
RFC's, the message is defined as "exactly an even 32 bit number". It
is not clear, however, whether this 32 bit number is meant to follow
an eight-bit "message data type" code or not, stemming from the fact
that the Host-Host Protocol makes provision for such codes but does
not seem to absolutely demand them.

Only one implementation of an ICP has been documented in the
NWG literature - that at UCSB (RFC#74). The implementers of this ICP
have apparently interpreted the Host-Host Protocol as demanding a
message data type code, and therefore do transmit a code of zero.

Steve Crocker indicates (private communication) that the Host-
Host Protocol was intended to require a message data type code. We
therefore recommend that RFCnumbers 66 and 80 be amended to show that
the "even 32 bit number" is preceded by a message data type code of
zero (zero is the only code currently defined).

[ This RFCwas put into machine readable form for entry ]
[ into the online RFCarchives by James Thompson 4/97 ]

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