(1). Change or add indexes
(2). Change clustering
(3). Change catalog statistics.
注:一个SQL语句的cost= 每次执行的资源代价*执行的次数。
目前,DBA面临的挑战就是要找到那些有很高cost的语句,并且尽力去减少它的代价。可以借助DB2 Explain 工具或者DB2 UDB SQL Event Monitor数据来分析SQL语句的代价。尤其是对SQL Event Monitor的数据分析,但这么做需要耗费很大的精力和时间。
(1). Create an SQL Event Monitor, write to file:
$> db2 "create event monitor SQLCOST for statements write to ..."
(2). Activate the event monitor (be sure ample free disk space is available):
$> db2 "set event monitor SQLCOST state = 1"
(3). Let the application run.
(4). Deactivate the event monitor:
$> db2 "set event monitor SQLCOST state = 0"
(5). Use the DB2-supplied db2evmon tool to format the raw SQL Event Monitor data (hundreds of megabytes of free disk space may be required depending on SQL throughput rates):
$> db2evmon -db DBNAME -evm SQLCOST
> sqltrace.txt
(6). Browse through the formatted file scanning for unusually large cost numbers, a time-consuming process:
$> more sqltrace.txt
(7). Undertake a more complete analysis of the formatted file that attempts to identify unique statements (independent of literal values), each unique statement's frequency (how many times it occurred), and the aggregate of its total CPU, sort, and other resource costs. Such a thorough analysis could take a week or more on just a 30-minute sample of application SQL activity.
针对第3个tip:计算每个tablespace的asynchronous read percentage and physical I/O read rates.如果一个tablespace有很高的asynchronous read percentage 和高于平均的physical I/O read rates,那么有可能这个tablesapce里面有table scan情况。从catalog中可以找寻tablespace中相应的table(如果一个tablespace上只有一个表,那么很容易定位了),然后从SQL Event Monitor 中寻找相关的table。这样也可以缩小范围。
观察DB2 Explain信息,寻找可疑的地方。有时候,经常执行的、而且是代价比较低的语句也会疯狂占用系统资源!
Staying in Tune
文章来源于领测软件测试网 https://www.ltesting.net/