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发布: 2008-2-19 09:40 | 作者: IT英语 | 来源: 希赛网 | 查看: 130次 | 进入软件测试论坛讨论


Artificial Intelligence  


  "Intelligence" in a machine, as in a human, is best defined as the ability to solve complex problems swiftly. This may involve medical diagnosis and prescription, resolving fiscal or legal matter.

  The evolution of artificial intelligence is now proceeding so rapidly that by the end of this century cheap computers no larger than portable typewriters will exist,which will be able to solve almost any problem faster and more efficiently than we can.

  As companies struggle for competitive advantage in an increasingly service-oriented market, A will continue to join the mainstream So will tech-neologies relating to expert and knowledge-based systems, neural.networking and fuzzy logic. Object-oriented programming will also drive these technologies because it eases applications development。

  One practical application of Al has been in the area of expert systems.An expert system is a com-putter program that solves specialized problems at the level of a human expert. For example digital equip-mint corporation(DEC)uses an expert system called XCON to help its salespeople determine computer system configurations for their customers.Configurations (include the components of a computer system and their interconnections.) The system contains ex-pert knowledge about configuring systems in the form of logical relationships or rules about how components must be connected together.For example, if a computer's configuration calls for communication, then the communication interfaces and cables must be included。








  随着各公司在日益增强的服务导向市场上争夺竞争优势,人工智能将继续加入主流。与专家系统和基于知识的系统、神经网络和模糊逻辑有关的技术也是如 此。面向对象编程由于使软件开发变得更为容易,所以它也将推进这些技术向前发展。

  人工智能的一种具体应用是专家系统,专家系统是在专家级上解决专门问题的计算机程序。 例如,数据设备公司(DEC)使用一个叫做XCON的专家系统协助销售人员为客户确定计算机系统的配置(包括配置计算机系统的各个部件及它们之间的互联)。这一系统包括关于配置一个系统的专家知识,知识是以各部件应如何联结在一起的逻辑关系或规则的形式表达的,例如,当计算机配置中需要通信时,则应包括通信接口和电缆。


文章来源于领测软件测试网 https://www.ltesting.net/

TAG: 计算机英语

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