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发布: 2007-7-14 21:19 | 作者: 佚名    | 来源: 网络转载     | 查看: 43次 | 进入软件测试论坛讨论

领测软件测试网 jsp文件操作之写入篇

<title>Write over a file</title>
<body bgcolor="#000000">

<jsp:useBean id="writer" class="WriteOver" scope="request">
<jsp:setProperty name="writer" property="path" value="/path/to/afile.txt" />
<jsp:setProperty name="writer" property="something" value="Something already set as a property in WriteOver" />

<h3>Write to the file</h3>


<% writer.setSomething("Something to write to the file"); %>
<% out.print(writer.getSomething()); %>

<% out.print(writer.writeSomething()); %>


import java.io.*;

* WriteOver.java
* Written by Morgan Catlin Email: mfcatlin@csclub2.stthomas.edu
*  August 19, 1999
* Variables:
*  String path = path to file to write to (ie. /you/afile.txt)
*  String something = something to write to the file
* Methods:
*  void setPath() = sets path
*  String getPath() = returns path
*  void setSomething() = sets something
*  String getSomething() = returns something
*  String writeSomething() = writes something to the path,
*   returns a message that indicates success or failure(an Exception)

public class WriteOver {

  private String path;
  private String something;

  public WriteOver() {
    path = null;
    something = "Default message";
  } // constructor WriteOver

   * Mutator for the path property
  public void setPath(String apath) {
    path = apath;
  } // mutator setPath

   * Accessor for the path property
  public String getPath() {
    return path;
  } // accessor getPathClient

   * Mutator for the something property
  public void setSomething(String asomething) {
    something = asomething;
  } // mutator setSomething

   * Accessor for the something property
  public String getSomething() {
    return something;
  } // accessor getSomething

   * This method writes something to the path
  public String writeSomething() {
    try {

     File f = new File(path);
     PrintWriter out = new PrintWriter(new FileWriter(f));

     out.print(this.getSomething() + "\n");
     return "Alles ist Gut.";
    } catch (IOException e) {
     return e.toString();
  } // method writeSomething
} // class WriteOver




<title>Append a file</title>
<body bgcolor="#000000">

<jsp:useBean id="writer" class="WriteAppend" scope="request">
  <jsp:setProperty name="writer" property="path" value="/path/to/afile.txt" />
  <jsp:setProperty name="writer" property="something" value="Something already set as a property in WriteAppend" />

<h3>Write to the file</h3>


<% writer.setSomething("Something to write to the file"); %>
<% out.print(writer.getSomething()); %>

<% out.print(writer.writeSomething()); %>


import java.io.*;

* WriteAppend.java
* Written by Morgan Catlin Email: mfcatlin@csclub2.stthomas.edu
*  August 19, 1999
* Variables:
*  String path = path to file to write to (ie. /you/afile.txt)
*  String something = something to write to the file
* Methods:
*  void setPath() = sets path
*  String getPath() = returns path
*  void setSomething() = sets something
*  String getSomething() = returns something
*  String writeSomething() = writes something to the path,
*   returns a message that indicates success or failure(an Exception)

public class WriteAppend {

  private String path;
  private String something;

  public WriteAppend() {
    path = null;
    something = "Default message";
  } // constructor WriteAppend

   * Mutator for the path property
  public void setPath(String apath) {
    path = apath;
  } // mutator setPath

   * Accessor for the path property
  public String getPath() {
    return path;
  } // accessor getPathClient

   * Mutator for the something property
  public void setSomething(String asomething) {
    something = asomething;
  } // mutator setSomething

   * Accessor for the something property
  public String getSomething() {
    return something;
  } // accessor getSomething

   * This method writes something to the path
  public String writeSomething() {
    try {

     FileWriter theFile = new FileWriter(path,true);
     PrintWriter out = new PrintWriter(theFile);
     out.print(something + "\n");
     return "Das war sehr gut!";
    } catch (IOException e) {
     return e.toString();
  } // method writeSomething
} // class WriteAppend


文章来源于领测软件测试网 https://www.ltesting.net/

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