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发布: 2007-7-04 12:06 | 作者: admin | 来源:  网友评论 | 查看: 13次 | 进入软件测试论坛讨论


S1. What is Unix? MILY: 宋体; mso-ascii-font-family: 'Times New Roman'; mso-hansi-font-family: 'Times New Roman'">什么是unix?

The Unix operating system comprises three parts: The Kernel, The Standard Utility Programs, and The System Configuration Files

Unix 操作系统是由3部分组成的:内核,标准工具程序和系统配置文件.


1.The Kernel: It's the core of the unix operating system. A large program that is loaded into memory when the machine is turned on, and it controls the allocation of hardware resources from that point forward. It has the necessary programs to talk to all the devices connected to it.




2.The Standard Utilities Programs: It includes simple utilities like "cp", and complex utilities like the shell that allows u to issue commands to the operating system.



3.The System configuration Files: It is read by the kernel and some of the standard utilities. The unix kernel and the utilities are flexible programs, and certain aspects of their behavior can be controlled by changing the standard configuration files.



eg. A system configuration files is the filesystem table "fstab", which tells the kernel where to find all the files on the disk drives. The system log configuration file "syslog.conf", which tells the kernel how to record the kinds of events and errors it may encounter.



S2. Accessing a Unix System 访问unix系统

The main mode of access to a Unix machine is through a terminal, which usually includes a keyboard, and a video monitor. Each Terminal connected to Unix system, the kernel runs a process called a tty that accepts input from the terminal, and sends output to the terminal. TTY processes must be told the capabilities of the terminal to correctly read from, and write to ,the




Console: A special type of terminal. Some unix system operations must be performed at the console. Only accessible by the system operators, and administrators.



Dumb terminals: They have only the minimum amount of power required to send characters as input to the unix system. Personal computers are often used to emulate dumb terminals.



Smart terminals: Just like X terminal.(瘟死你的操作系统形式)


S3. Logging in and logging out 登陆和退出

A system of user accounts. To be used ,to ensure security and organization on a system with many user.



S4. The Unix shell

It is the most important program on the unix system, from the end-user's standpoint, interface with Unix system, the middleman between u and the kernel.


Concept: а. The shell is a type of program calls an 'interpreter'. Shell是一个解释程序


        б. A program is referred to as a 'process', while the kernel is running it simultaneously.


        с. Execute a non built-in shell command, the shell asks the kernel to create a new

      subprocess (called a "child" process) to perform the command.




S5. Working with Files and Directories

1.The Unix filesystem structure: unix 文件系统结构

Concept: The unix filesystem is resembling a tree structure. Anchored at a place called the 'root', designated by a slash "/".



eg.  ls -l /etc/passwd

    -rw-r--r-- 1 root sys 41002 Nov 17 13:00 /etc/passwd

The first dash indicates the type of file(d for directory, s for special file,-for a regular file)

"rw-" permissions of the owner of the file: read and write, but no execute. "r--" permissions for those in the same group as the owner: read, no write, no execute. "r--" permission for all others: read, no write, no execute.

第一个破折号表示文件的类型(d 代表目录,s代表特殊文件,-代表一个普通文件)




Setting permissions: use command "chmod"

"rwx" notation to specify the type of permission

"ugo" notation to specify those the permission apply to

add permission:+

remove permission:-

set a permission directly:=

eg. chmod g=rw- ~/.shrc ( ~ unix shorthand for your home directory)

    pwd => " print working directory"

    ls -lr /etc/i* ( * 通配符)

The cat command: it concatenates files and sends them to the screen.

# cat ~/.profile

# head -15 /etc/rc to see the first 15 lines of the /etc/rc file

# tail /etc/rc to see the last 10 lines(default 10 lines, u can change it)

Copying files and directories:

cp source destination

eg. cp ~/.profile ~/pcop

Moving and renameing files:

# mv ~/pcop ~/qcop

Removing files: rm filename

#rm ~/.pcop

Creating a directory:

mkdir directoryname

# mkdir ~/cry

# mkdir ~/cry/los

Removing a directory:

# rmdir ~/cry/los

# rmdir ~/cry


S6. Redirecting Input and Output 改变输入输出

Concept: Every program u run from the shell opens three files: Standard input , Standard output, and Standard error.


The standard input file provides a way to send data to a process. As a default, it is read from the terminal keyboard. The standard output provides a means for the program to output data. As a default, it goes to the terminal display screen. The standard error is where the program reports any errors encountered during execution. By default, the standard error goes to the terminal display.



Unix uses the “less than” and “greater than” special characters () to signity input and output redirection, respectively.

Redirecting input:

“less-than” sign: # < file1

# more < /etc/passwd

# head /etc/passwd    work just the same as   # head < /etc/passwd


Redirecting output:

“greater-than” sign: # > file2 (如果file2已经存在,会被新的覆盖)

Redirecting error: In the POSIX shell and ksh, redirect the standard error with the symbol “2>”

eg. sort the /etc/passwd file, place the results in a file called cry, and trap any errors in a file

called err:

# sort cry 2>err


S7. Pipelines and Filters 管道和过滤

Concept: Unix allows u to connect processes, by letting the standard output of one process feed into the standard input of another process. That mechanism is called a Pipe.


eg. # cat .profile .shrc | more

   # cat file | head –75 | tail – 50 (display lines 25 through 75 of a file)

Remember that input/output redirection connects processes with files, while the pipe connects processes with other processes.


grep [-options] pattern[file]

It is always best to enclose the pattern within single quotes, to prevent the shell from misinterpreting the command.

Characters can use to build grep expressions:

lANT: normal" times="" new="">         The carat (^) matches the beginning of a line

l         The dollar sign ($) matches the end of a line.

l         The period (.) matches zero or more occurrences of the previous character.

l         The expression [a-b] matches any characters that are lexically between a and b.

eg.  # grep  ‘cry’   /etc/passwd  (the lines containing the string “cry”.)

# grep  ‘^cry’  /etc/passwd  (the line begin with the character string “cry”.)

List all the files in the /tmp directory owned by the user root

# ls  –l  /tmp | grep ‘root’


S8. Process Control and Multitasking 进程控制和多任务处理

Concept: The Unix kernel can keep track of many processes at once, dividing its time between the jobs submitted to it. Each process submitted to the kernel is given a unique process ID. In reality, it is running only one job at a time, but quickly switching between all of its ongoing tasks. The concept of switching is called process scheduling.

概念:unix 内核可以并存多个线程,在任务之间划分时间然后提交给它。每一个进程提交给内核,并分配到一个唯一指定的进程ID。事实上,它每次只能执行一个任务,只是快速的在所有正在运行的任务之间进行切换而已。切换的概念被称作进程安排。

Viewing processes: ps (process status) for viewing the status of all the unfinished jobs that have been submitted to the kernel.

eg. # ps  -ef

   -e option causes ps to include all processes (indluding ones that do not belong to u), and –f option causes ps to give a long listing (include the process owner, the process ID, the ID of the parent process,  processor utilization, the time of submission, the process’s terminal, the total time for the process, and the command that started the process.)

eg. Use ps and grep, in a pipeling to find all the processes owned by u.

   # ps  -ef  |  grep  crystalos(here is your username)

Killing processes: Occasionally, u will find a need to terminate a process.

Kill [-options] process-ID

eg. To force termination of a job whose process ID is 111,enter:

  # ps  -9  111


S9 Interaction and job Control 交互和任务控制

Placing a foreground job into the background first thing u must do is suspend the job with a Control-Z, freeing your terminal. Then, u can issue the Unix command: bg

Bringing a background job to the foreground

将一个前端任务放到后台运行,你首要做的就是使用ctrl+z将任务暂停,解除终端。然后,输入命令:bg 将一个后台运行的任务放到前台来。

# fg  %2  will bring job 2 into the foreground. If no job ID is given, fg will assume u are referring to the current (suspended) job.

Starting a suspended job

Find the job ID of the suspended job with the jobs command, and then use bg or fg.


S10 The Execution Environment 执行环境

Concept: The exact behavior of commands issued in the shell depends upon the execution environment provided by the shell.


To view all the environment variables, use: printenv

To view a particular environment variable, use: echo $TERM

The creation of the execution environment.


When u log in, a sequence of events establishes the execution environment. It depends on the particular flavor of Unix, and also depends upon the default shell for your account.


For HP-UX operating system(other may differ):

The gritty process: it provides the login: prompt that u see on the terminal screen. It reads your username, and invokes login program.

The login program: trial and error verity to find your information in /etc/passwd, then to invoke your default shell. If doesn’t has default shell, login starts the Bourne shell (/bin/sh).


Shell startup: System login scripts

On HP-UX, the file /etc/.profile provides initialization parameters for ksh and sh, while the file /etc/csh.login is used for csh.

Shell startup: User login scripts

After the system login scripts are read, the shell reads user login scripts.

Important environment variables:


Setting environment and shell variables

The exact mechanism for it depends upon the type of shell u’re using.

sh, or ksh: VAR=value;export VAR

eg. EDITOR=emacs;export EDITOR  (注意:中间不要空格)

csh: setenv VARIABLE value

eg. Setenv EDITOR emacs



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