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发布: 2008-2-17 14:46 | 作者: 易水 | 来源: CCW | 查看: 39次 | 进入软件测试论坛讨论



    A wiki (sometimes spelled “Wiki”) is a server program that allows users to collaborate in forming the content of a Web site. With a wiki, any user can edit the site content, including other users’ contributions, using a regular Web browser. Basically, a wiki Web site operates on a principle of collaborative trust. The term comes from the word “wikiwiki,” which means “fast” in the Hawaiian language. A wiki allows a visitor to the “wikified” Web site to edit the content of the site from their own computer. Visitors can also create new content and change the organization of existing content. The simplest wiki programs allow editing of text and hyperlinks only. More advanced wikis make it possible to add or change images, tables, and certain interactive components such as games. A wiki provides a simplified interface. At any time, contributors can conveniently view the Web page as it looks to other subscribers, before and after the changes they have made.


    wiki (有时拼作Wiki)是一种服务器程序,它让用户们在形成网站的内容时进行协作。有了wiki,任何用户都能利用常规的浏览器对网站内容进行编辑,包括其他用户撰写的内容。基本上,wiki网站是在相互信任的原则下工作的。Wiki这个术语是出自夏威夷语言中的“wikiwiki”这个词,它的意思是快。Wiki程序允许访问者从自己的计算机上对网站的内容进行编辑,上网访问者也可以生成新的内容和修改已有内容的结构。最简单的wiki程序只能对文本和链接进行编辑,而高级一些的wiki程序能加入或者修改图像、表格以及游戏一类的交互成分。wiki程序提供了简化的接口。在任何时候,撰稿人进行修改之前和之后,都能很方便地查看网页,好像他是另一个订阅者。


    A swicki is a type of search engine that allows users to create deep, focused searches on topics while permitting total control over the search results. Swickis allow you to build specific searches tailored to your interests and that of your community and get constantly updated results from your Web or blog page. Swickis scan all the data indexed in Yahoo Search, plus all additional sources you specify, and that you can publish on your blog or Web site. Swickis is currently in beta and was developed by Eurekster


swicki是一类允许用户生成某个话题的深度和集中的搜索,同时允许对搜索结果全面控制。swicki让你按自己及社区的的兴趣定制具体的搜索,并能从网页或博客页面进行不断的更新。swicki能对Yahoo Search和你指定的另外来源以及你能在博客或网站上公布的所有编有索引的数据进行扫描。swicki由Eurekster公司开发,现正在进行beta测试

文章来源于领测软件测试网 https://www.ltesting.net/

TAG: Wiki

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