昨天 16:16 .
作者Geoff Ingram,是《High-Performance Oracle: Proven Methods for Achieving Optimum Performance and Availability》一书的作者。
本次测试的环境是:AIX 5.2 ,oracle,操作系统用户是oracle
$ tar xvf orabm.tar
x orabm, 0 bytes, 0 tape blocks
x orabm/src, 0 bytes, 0 tape blocks
x orabm/src/orabmload.pc, 24200 bytes, 48 tape blocks
x orabm/src/orabm.c, 9346 bytes, 19 tape blocks
x orabm/src/init.ora, 1442 bytes, 3 tape blocks
x orabm/src/BUILD_FROM_SOURCE.txt, 863 bytes, 2 tape blocks
x orabm/install, 0 bytes, 0 tape blocks
x orabm/install/orabm_analyze.sql, 1068 bytes, 3 tape blocks
x orabm/install/orabm_cache.sql, 1116 bytes, 3 tape blocks
x orabm/install/orabm_ind.sql, 1124 bytes, 3 tape blocks
x orabm/install/orabm_query_cache.sql, 497 bytes, 1 tape blocks
x orabm/install/orabm_serverside_stress.sql, 8528 bytes, 17 tape blocks
x orabm/install/orabm_tab.sql, 2321 bytes, 5 tape blocks
x orabm/install/orabm_tab_rm.sql, 197 bytes, 1 tape blocks
x orabm/install/orabm_user.sql, 233 bytes, 1 tape blocks
x orabm/bin, 0 bytes, 0 tape blocks
x orabm/bin/orabm_tps.awk, 182 bytes, 1 tape blocks
x orabm/bin/orabm_tps.sh, 70 bytes, 1 tape blocks
x orabm/bin/solaris, 0 bytes, 0 tape blocks
x orabm/bin/solaris/orabmload, 85940 bytes, 168 tape blocks
x orabm/bin/solaris/orabm, 53140 bytes, 104 tape blocks
# Operation Command
1 create the ORABM user (assumes TOOLS tablespace, TEMP temporary tablespace) sqlplus system/pwd @orabm_user
2 create the tables sqlplus system/pwd @orabm_tab
3 load the data $ orabmload Warehouses 1
4 create the indexes sqlplus system/pwd @orabm_ind
5 analyze the tables and indexes sqlplus system/pwd @orabm_analyze
6 create the stress-test PL/SQL procedures sqlplus system/pwd @orabm_serverside_stress
7 cache the table and index data in the SGA sqlplus system/pwd @orabm_cache
$ ls
orabm_analyze.sql orabm_serverside_stress.sql
orabm_cache.sql orabm_tab.sql
orabm_ind.sql orabm_tab_rm.sql
orabm_query_cache.sql orabm_user.sql
$ sqlplus "/ as sysdba" @orabm_user
SQL*Plus: Release - Production on Wed Jan 26 14:32:48 2005
Copyright (c) 1982, 2002, Oracle Corporation. All rights reserved.
Connected to:
Oracle9i Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production
With the Partitioning and OLAP options
JServer Release - Production
User created.
Grant succeeded.
User altered.
User altered.
Revoke succeeded.
Disconnected from Oracle9i Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production
With the Partitioning, OLAP and Oracle Data Mining options
JServer Release – Production
$ sqlplus "/ as sysdba" @orabm_tab
SQL*Plus: Release - Production on Wed Jan 26 14:32:48 2005
Copyright (c) 1982, 2002, Oracle Corporation. All rights reserved.
Connected to:
Oracle9i Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production
With the Partitioning and OLAP options
JServer Release - Production
Table created.
Table created.
Table created.
Table created.
Table created.
Table created.
Table created.
Table created.
Table created.
Disconnected from Oracle9i Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production
With the Partitioning, OLAP and Oracle Data Mining options
JServer Release - Production
$ ls -l
total 88
-rw-r--r-- 1 oracle dba 863 Nov 07 2002 BUILD_FROM_SOURCE.txt
-rw-r--r-- 1 oracle dba 1442 Nov 07 2002 init.ora
-rw-r--r-- 1 oracle dba 9346 Nov 07 2002 orabm.c
-rw-r--r-- 1 oracle dba 24200 Nov 07 2002 orabmload.pc
其中 orabm.c、orabmload.c 是两个应用程序的源程序,BUILD_FROM_SOURCE.txt 是编译说明。我按照编译说明上的指导,make了一下,但是最后运行程序的时候出错,也许是还有什么编译选项不对吧。下面是运行错误:
$ ./orabmload Warehouse 1
exec(): 0509-036 Cannot load program ./orabmload because of the following errors
0509-150 Dependent module /home/oracle/OraHome1/lib32/libclntsh.a(shr.
o) could not be loaded.
0509-124 The program is a discontinued 64-bit object file.
后面发现是程序链接的库文件错了,不应该链接 /home/oracle/OraHome1/lib32/ 目录,这是为32位程序准备的,应该链接 /home/oracle/OraHome1/lib/ ,缺省就是64位。
还好的是,orabm预先提供windows版本的数据装载程序,在 orabm/bin/windows 目录下就是。
E:\temp>set LOCAL=ccbver
E:\temp>orabmload Warehouse 1
Connected to ORACLE as user: ORABM
using timestamp=20050126103630
TPCC Data Load Started...
Loading Item
.................... 20000
.................... 40000
.................... 60000
.................... 80000
.................... 100000
Item Done.
Loading Warehouse
Loading Stock Wid=1
.................... 20000
.................... 40000
.................... 60000
.................... 80000
.................... 100000
Stock Done.
Loading District
Loading Customer for DID=1, WID=1
...Customer Done.
Loading Customer for DID=2, WID=1
...Customer Done.
Loading Customer for DID=3, WID=1
...Customer Done.
Loading Customer for DID=4, WID=1
...Customer Done.
Loading Customer for DID=5, WID=1
...Customer Done.
Loading Customer for DID=6, WID=1
...Customer Done.
Loading Customer for DID=7, WID=1
...Customer Done.
Loading Customer for DID=8, WID=1
...Customer Done.
Loading Customer for DID=9, WID=1
...Customer Done.
Loading Customer for DID=10, WID=1
...Customer Done.
Loading Orders for D=1, W= 1
. 1000
. 2000
. 3000
Orders Done.
Loading Orders for D=2, W= 1
. 1000
. 2000
. 3000
Orders Done.
Loading Orders for D=3, W= 1
. 1000
. 2000
. 3000
Orders Done.
Loading Orders for D=4, W= 1
. 1000
. 2000
. 3000
Orders Done.
Loading Orders for D=5, W= 1
. 1000
. 2000
. 3000
Orders Done.
Loading Orders for D=6, W= 1
. 1000
. 2000
. 3000
Orders Done.
Loading Orders for D=7, W= 1
. 1000
. 2000
. 3000
Orders Done.
Loading Orders for D=8, W= 1
. 1000
. 2000
. 3000
Orders Done.
Loading Orders for D=9, W= 1
. 1000
. 2000
. 3000
Orders Done.
Loading Orders for D=10, W= 1
. 1000
. 2000
. 3000
Orders Done.
$ cd install
$ ls
orabm_analyze.sql orabm_ind.sql orabm_serverside_stress.sql orabm_tab_rm.sql
orabm_cache.sql orabm_query_cache.sql orabm_tab.sql orabm_user.sql
$ sqlplus "/ as sysdba" @orabm_ind
SQL*Plus: Release - Production on Wed Jan 26 14:32:48 2005
Copyright (c) 1982, 2002, Oracle Corporation. All rights reserved.
Connected to:
Oracle9i Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production
With the Partitioning and OLAP options
JServer Release - Production
$ sqlplus "/ as sysdba" @ orabm_analyze
$ sqlplus "/ as sysdba" @ orabm_serverside_stress
$ sqlplus "/ as sysdba" @ orabm_cache
Orabm works by running a user-specified number of database transactions in each of a user-specified number of concurrent database sessions.
The transactions are executed by the ORABM_SERVERSIDE_STRESS stored procedure, under the schema ORABM.
For each concurrent session, ORABM_SERVERSIDE_STRESS runs the number of transactions specified on the orabm command line, and returns the transactions per second (TPS) value for that session during the sampling interval on completion.
To ensure that all concurrent sessions are processing transactions during the sampling interval, the TPS value only includes results from the middle 80% of transactions: the first 10% and last 10% are ignored.
The transactions are loosely based on the TPC-C Order-Status and Stock-Level transactions, using a predefined distribution of transactions.
The transaction split, which is based on data returned by the DBMS_RANDOM package, should be:
50% :30% :20%
The string returned by ORABM_SERVERSIDE_STRESS includes the transaction split during the test, to ensure that the transaction distribution is correct, subject to random fluctuations e.g.:
...sl=4042(50.5%) on=2384(29.8%) oi=1573(19.7%)...
Once you have set up the test tables, data, and indexes, you@#re ready to run orabm. The following command shows orabm running 20000 transactions in a single session against the Oracle database identified by ORACLE_SID in the UNIX environment:
$ orabm 1 20000
This command line runs the same workload against a remote database identified by the Oracle Net alias linxceld1.co.uk from a Windows command box:
C:\> orabm 1 20000 linxceld1.co.uk
Note: running against a remote database has little (if any), affect on the transaction throughput, because all processing takes place on the DBMS server.
Execution of a single Orabm session should show a single CPU at close to 100% utilization, provided that all table and index data is present in the Oracle block buffer cache and no other workload is running on the database server. On UNIX or Linux, you can use the “top” command to confirm this, or check that no "db file sequential read" event waits are taking place for the Oracle session using info in the V$SESSION_EVENT view - these indicate waits for physical I/O.
如果所有的测试表和相关索引都已经Cache到内存中,系统上没有其他任务运行,那么你可以看到单个Orabm Session会使用将近100%的CPU资源.在Linux或者Unix上,可以使用Top来查看CPU使用情况,或者检察数据库中不存在"db file sequential read"等待事件.
Alternatively, if your Oracle DBMS is running on Linux, you can use the gkrellm performance monitor to show that CPU utilization of a single CPU is at ~100% and no physical I/O is taking place. Gkrellm can be downloaded from:
Here@#s an example of the command line you would use to run 10000 transactions against a local Oracle database for three iterations. In the first iteration, one session runs, in the second iteration two concurrent sessions run, and in the third iteration, six concurrent sessions run:
$ orabm 1,2,6 10000
Keep in mind that the specified number of transactions is run in each concurrent session.
Note: you should specify sufficient transactions such that the TPS results produced don@#t fluctuate significantly between runs for a given number of sessions; 100000 is a good value to choose.
Results Output
Output is appended to a log file orabm.database.log, where database is either the ORACLE_SID or TNS alias that identifies the database where the test was run e.g. orabm.t92.log. For each iteration, the TPS value for each concurrent session appears between begin and end markers. For example, the following shows the contents of the log for two concurrent sessions - in this case the second iteration for the previous command line example - where txn(all) displays the total transaction count, and xn(sam) and t(sam) show the total transactions and time for the middle 80% of transactions for which sampling took place:
txn(all)----代表Total transaction Count,总的事务数量.
---begin sess=2 txn=10000 ORACLE_SID=t92 Fri Nov 8 20:31:48 2002
T92.WORLD txn(all)=10000 xn(sam)=7999 t(sam)=44 tps=182 ...
T92.WORLD txn(all)=10000 xn(sam)=7999 t(sam)=45 tps=178 ...
---end - Fri Nov 8 20:32:46 2002
The total TPS for this iteration is the sum of the TPS for the two concurrent sessions (182+178=360).
A shell script (orabm_tps.sh) can be used to process output from the log on UNIX and Linux. The script aggregates the TPS values for concurrent sessions in a single iteration into a total TPS value for that iteration. The output based on the log info from the previous command line (3 iterations with 1, then 2, then 6 concurrent sessions) shows:
也可以用shell script(orabm_tps.sh)进行输出日志分析.
$ orabm_tps.sh orabm.t92.log
ORACLE_SID=t92 sess=1 tps=182
ORACLE_SID=t92 sess=2 tps=360
ORACLE_SID=t92 sess=6 tps=364
In this example the server was a 2 CPU model - as a result, 2 concurrent sessions running in orabm are enough to completely utilize all available CPU capacity.
Additional sessions should result in the total TPS remaining unchanged, or even falling slightly as the operating system performs context switches to share the overloaded CPU resource between more ready-to-run sessions than available CPUs.
下面我们来具体跑一下程序。在跑程序之前,要注意一下:前面的例子应该可以看到,在windows平台下运行orabmload时,设置了 LOCAL 变量,这个变量相当于UNIX平台下的ORACLE_SID,这次运行orabm程序,却有所不同,见下面的运行日志:
E:\temp>orabm 1,2,6,10 10000
ORACLE_SID not set
E:\temp>set LOCAL=ccbver
E:\temp>orabm 1,2,6,10 10000
ORACLE_SID not set
E:\temp>set ORACLE_SID=ccbver
E:\temp>orabm 1,2,6,10 10000
---begin sess=1 txn=10000 ORACLE_SID=ccbver Wed Jan 26 11:03:45 2005
CCBVER txn(all)=10000 xn(sam)=7999 t(sam)=17 tps=471 sl=3918(49%) on=2483(31%) o
i=1598(20%) end=260105-10:05:58
---end - Wed Jan 26 11:04:09 2005
---begin sess=2 txn=10000 ORACLE_SID=ccbver Wed Jan 26 11:04:09 2005
CCBVER txn(all)=10000 xn(sam)=7999 t(sam)=17 tps=471 sl=3999(50%) on=2441(30.5%)
oi=1559(19.5%) end=260105-10:06:19
CCBVER txn(all)=10000 xn(sam)=7999 t(sam)=17 tps=471 sl=4025(50.3%) on=2396(30%)
oi=1578(19.7%) end=260105-10:06:19
---end - Wed Jan 26 11:04:31 2005
---begin sess=6 txn=10000 ORACLE_SID=ccbver Wed Jan 26 11:04:31 2005
CCBVER txn(all)=10000 xn(sam)=7999 t(sam)=43 tps=186 sl=4041(50.5%) on=2372(29.7
%) oi=1586(19.8%) end=260105-10:07:13
CCBVER txn(all)=10000 xn(sam)=7999 t(sam)=43 tps=186 sl=4017(50.2%) on=2404(30.1
%) oi=1578(19.7%) end=260105-10:07:13
CCBVER txn(all)=10000 xn(sam)=7999 t(sam)=42 tps=190 sl=3917(49%) on=2505(31.3%)
oi=1577(19.7%) end=260105-10:07:14
CCBVER txn(all)=10000 xn(sam)=7999 t(sam)=43 tps=186 sl=4016(50.2%) on=2394(29.9
%) oi=1589(19.9%) end=260105-10:07:14
CCBVER txn(all)=10000 xn(sam)=7999 t(sam)=43 tps=186 sl=4038(50.5%) on=2316(29%)
oi=1645(20.6%) end=260105-10:07:14
CCBVER txn(all)=10000 xn(sam)=7999 t(sam)=47 tps=170 sl=4011(50.1%) on=2380(29.8
%) oi=1608(20.1%) end=260105-10:07:15
---end - Wed Jan 26 11:05:26 2005
---begin sess=10 txn=10000 ORACLE_SID=ccbver Wed Jan 26 11:05:26 2005
CCBVER txn(all)=10000 xn(sam)=7999 t(sam)=72 tps=111 sl=3969(49.6%) on=2390(29.9
%) oi=1640(20.5%) end=260105-10:08:45
CCBVER txn(all)=10000 xn(sam)=7999 t(sam)=72 tps=111 sl=4061(50.8%) on=2407(30.1
%) oi=1531(19.1%) end=260105-10:08:45
CCBVER txn(all)=10000 xn(sam)=7999 t(sam)=73 tps=110 sl=3996(50%) on=2444(30.6%)
oi=1559(19.5%) end=260105-10:08:46
CCBVER txn(all)=10000 xn(sam)=7999 t(sam)=72 tps=111 sl=4089(51.1%) on=2334(29.2
%) oi=1576(19.7%) end=260105-10:08:46
CCBVER txn(all)=10000 xn(sam)=7999 t(sam)=71 tps=113 sl=3935(49.2%) on=2468(30.9
%) oi=1596(20%) end=260105-10:08:46
CCBVER txn(all)=10000 xn(sam)=7999 t(sam)=74 tps=108 sl=4015(50.2%) on=2380(29.8
%) oi=1604(20.1%) end=260105-10:08:47
CCBVER txn(all)=10000 xn(sam)=7999 t(sam)=72 tps=111 sl=4008(50.1%) on=2446(30.6
%) oi=1545(19.3%) end=260105-10:08:47
CCBVER txn(all)=10000 xn(sam)=7999 t(sam)=76 tps=105 sl=3939(49.2%) on=2454(30.7
%) oi=1606(20.1%) end=260105-10:08:48
CCBVER txn(all)=10000 xn(sam)=7999 t(sam)=76 tps=105 sl=4061(50.8%) on=2333(29.2
%) oi=1605(20.1%) end=260105-10:08:48
CCBVER txn(all)=10000 xn(sam)=7999 t(sam)=77 tps=104 sl=3932(49.2%) on=2432(30.4
%) oi=1635(20.4%) end=260105-10:08:48
---end - Wed Jan 26 11:06:59 2005
原来还要设置 ORACLE_SID 变量!
测试程序运行结束后,会生成一个orabm.{ORACLE_SID}.log的文件,比如上面这个例子,生成的文件是 orabm.ccbver.log,该文件是累加的,如果继续跑测试程序,其测试结果会累加到这个文件中。
$ ./orabm_tps.sh orabm.ccbver.log
ORACLE_SID=ccbver sess=1 tps=471
ORACLE_SID=ccbver sess=2 tps=942
ORACLE_SID=ccbver sess=6 tps=1104
ORACLE_SID=ccbver sess=10 tps=1089
$ ./orabm_tps.sh orabm.ccbver.log
ORACLE_SID=ccbver sess=1 tps=530
ORACLE_SID=ccbver sess=2 tps=979
ORACLE_SID=ccbver sess=6 tps=1106
ORACLE_SID=ccbver sess=10 tps=1097
文章来源于领测软件测试网 https://www.ltesting.net/