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下一篇 2007-05-12 10:51:02
- 文件版本: V1.0
- 开发商: 本站原创
- 文件来源: 本地
- 界面语言: 简体中文
- 授权方式: 免费
- 运行平台: Win9X/Win2000/WinXP
优化企业应用性能和质量 确保企业成功
Enterprise-class automated application load testing tool supports heterogeneous systems including Web, SOA, Java™, .NET, COM, CORBA, Oracle® Forms, Citrix MetaFrame®, databases, client/server, Mainframe/legacy and various ERP/CRM applications
TrueScale technology simulates thousands of concurrent users under dynamic load conditions from a single standard computer
Visual script. recorder and customization tools simplify test creation
SilkPerformer Java/.NET Explorer and JUnit/NUnit test import capabilities simplify early load testing of remote application components (e.g., Web services, EJBs, .NET, COM server components) under concurrent access
Step-by-step workflow wizard guides users through the testing process
Workload wizard lets users create realistic workloads quickly and
Integrated Test Environment provides a single point of control for load tests
TrueModem technology accurately simulates multiple connection speeds with different upstream/downstream transfer rates
Unique TrueCache technology for accurately simulating a Web browser's caching behavior.
Unique TrueBehavior. technology for accurately simulating the different tolerance levels of real Web users (e.g., request cancellations)
TrueLog technology provides full visual front-end diagnostics from the end-user perspective
Verification under load detects application errors such as incorrect page content for all Virtual Users included in the test
Drill-down timers reveal the exact response times of individual Web page components
Server Analysis Module measures server-side resource usage that can be automatically correlated with client-side load test results for ease in identifying bottlenecks
Open plug-in framework for 3rd party code-level diagnostics tools to provide top-down analysis of errors and performance problems starting from the end user view down to the individual component/line of the application code
Real-time health monitors prevent invalid test results caused by overloaded agents
Web-based management reports enable non-technical decision makers to quickly interpret test results
Integration with SilkCentral® Test Manager™ adds greater order, structure and visibility to your testing process
Integration with StarTeam® from within the SilkPerformer Workbench GUI to manage, share, and control versioning of SilkPerformer test assets such as project files and test scripts
Reuse SilkPerformer test assets for managing your application's performance in production