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发布: 2007-6-30 18:56 | 作者: admin | 来源: | 查看: 13次 | 进入软件测试论坛讨论

领测软件测试网 这个类是用于处理字符串的,是老外写的,我把里面的功能和参数加了说明


=============== test.asp================

<!--#include file="StringOperations.asp"-->

dim str
set str = New StringOperations
test = str.toCharArray("check this out")
response.write "<strong>str.toCharArray</strong>: "
for i = 0 to ubound(test)
response.write test(i) & " "

response.write "<BR><BR>"
test1 = str.arrayToString(test)
response.write "<strong>str.arrayToString</strong>: " & test1

response.write "<BR><BR>"
response.write "<strong>str.startsWith</strong>: " & str.startsWith(test1, "ch")

response.write "<BR><BR>"
response.write "<strong>str.endWith</strong>: " & str.endsWith(test1, "out")

response.write "<BR><BR>"
response.write "<strong>str.clone</strong>: " & str.clone("abc", 10)

response.write "<BR><BR>"
response.write "<strong>str.trimStart</strong>: " & str.trimStart(test1, 3)

response.write "<BR><BR>"
response.write "<strong>str.trimEnd</strong>: " & str.trimEnd(test1, 2)

response.write "<BR><BR>"
response.write "<strong>str.swapCase</strong>: " & str.swapCase("HiHiHi")

response.write "<BR><BR>"
response.write "<strong>str.isAlphabetic</strong>: " & str.isAlphabetic("!")

response.write "<BR><BR>"
response.write "<strong>str.capitalize</strong>: " & str.capitalize("clara fehler")
Set str = Nothing

=============== StringOperations.asp================

class StringOperations

‘’‘’ @功能说明: 把字符串换为char型数组
‘’‘’ @参数说明: - str [string]: 需要转换的字符串
‘’‘’ @返回值: - [Array] Char型数组
public function toCharArray(byVal str)
redim charArray(len(str))
for i = 1 to len(str)
charArray(i-1) = Mid(str,i,1)
toCharArray = charArray
end function

‘’‘’ @功能说明: 把一个数组转换成一个字符串
‘’‘’ @参数说明: - arr [Array]: 需要转换的数据
‘’‘’ @返回值: - [string] 字符串
public function arrayToString(byVal arr)
for i = 0 to UBound(arr)
strObj = strObj & arr(i)
arrayToString = strObj
end function

‘’‘’ @功能说明: 检查源字符串str是否以chars开头
‘’‘’ @参数说明: - str [string]: 源字符串
‘’‘’ @参数说明: - chars [string]: 比较的字符/字符串
‘’‘’ @返回值: - [bool]
public function startsWith(byVal str, chars)
if Left(str,len(chars)) = chars then
startsWith = true
startsWith = false
end if
end function

‘’‘’ @功能说明: 检查源字符串str是否以chars结尾
‘’‘’ @参数说明: - str [string]: 源字符串
‘’‘’ @参数说明: - chars [string]: 比较的字符/字符串
‘’‘’ @返回值: - [bool]
public function endsWith(byVal str, chars)
if Right(str,len(chars)) = chars then
endsWith = true
endsWith = false
end if
end function

‘’‘’ @功能说明: 复制N个字符串str
‘’‘’ @参数说明: - str [string]: 源字符串
‘’‘’ @参数说明: - n [int]: 复制次数
‘’‘’ @返回值: - [string] 复制后的字符串
public function clone(byVal str, n)
for i = 1 to n
value = value & str
clone = value
end function

‘’‘’ @功能说明: 删除源字符串str的前N个字符
‘’‘’ @参数说明: - str [string]: 源字符串
‘’‘’ @参数说明: - n [int]: 删除的字符个数
‘’‘’ @返回值: - [string] 删除后的字符串
public function trimStart(byVal str, n)
value = Mid(str, n+1)
trimStart = value
end function

‘’‘’ @功能说明: 删除源字符串str的最后N个字符串
‘’‘’ @参数说明: - str [string]: 源字符串
‘’‘’ @参数说明: - n [int]: 删除的字符个数
‘’‘’ @返回值: - [string] 删除后的字符串
public function trimEnd(byVal str, n)
value = Left(str, len(str)-n)
trimEnd = value
end function

‘’‘’ @功能说明: 检查字符character是否是英文字符 A-Z or a-z
‘’‘’ @参数说明: - character [char]: 检查的字符
‘’‘’ @返回值: - [bool] 如果是英文字符,返回TRUE,反之为FALSE
public function isAlphabetic(byVal character)
asciiValue = cint(asc(character))
if (65 <= asciiValue and asciiValue <= 90) or (97 <= asciiValue and asciiValue <= 122) then
isAlphabetic = true
isAlphabetic = false
end if
end function

‘’‘’ @功能说明: 对str字符串进行大小写转换
‘’‘’ @参数说明: - str [string]: 源字符串
‘’‘’ @返回值: - [string] 转换后的字符串
public function swapCase(str)
for i = 1 to len(str)
current = mid(str, i, 1)
if isAlphabetic(current) then
high = asc(ucase(current))
low = asc(lcase(current))
sum = high + low
return = return & chr(sum-asc(current))
return = return & current
end if
swapCase = return
end function

‘’‘’ @功能说明: 将源字符串str中每个单词的第一个字母转换成大写
‘’‘’ @参数说明: - str [string]: 源字符串
‘’‘’ @返回值: - [string] 转换后的字符串
public function capitalize(str)
words = split(str," ")
for i = 0 to ubound(words)
if not i = 0 then
tmp = " "
end if
tmp = tmp & ucase(left(words(i), 1)) & right(words(i), len(words(i))-1)
words(i) = tmp
capitalize = arrayToString(words)
end function

end class

文章来源于领测软件测试网 https://www.ltesting.net/

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