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发布: 2008-2-17 14:42 | 作者: 希赛 | 来源: 希赛网 | 查看: 24次 | 进入软件测试论坛讨论



If you Google yourself, it is called autoGoogling or egosurfing. Googling is using the popular search engine Google.com to look up someone’ s name in an effort to find out more about them. Because Google has a ranking system, there is an unsubstantiated belief that the more Google returns a person has, the more important they are.

Bubble help

In a computer user interface, bubble help is text information that is displayed in a small balloon or box when a computer user moves the mouse cursor over a selected user interface element, such as the iconic items in a taskbar. The box (or “bubble”) is usually timed to disappear after a few seconds. When developing a user interface with bubble help, a programmer writes code that tells the size and background color of the box, the text message to display, and when it should be removed. Bubble help is provided in most Microsoft applications, including Access and Word.

System tray

The system tray (or “systray”) is a section of the taskbars in the Microsoft Windows desktop user interface that is located in the Windows taskbar (usually at the bottom next to the clock) and contains miniature icons for easy access to system functions such as fax, printer, modem, volume, and more, so that a user is continually reminded that they are there and can easily click one of them.







文章来源于领测软件测试网 https://www.ltesting.net/

TAG: 系统

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