[size=18:bbea06b9f2]adb [/size:bbea06b9f2] Analyze dumps and a running system.
[size=18:bbea06b9f2]AnswerBook[/size:bbea06b9f2] Display online reference manuals in areas of hardware, user,
system administration, and other
[size=18:bbea06b9f2]arch [/size:bbea06b9f2] Display architecture and kernel architecture information.
[size=18:bbea06b9f2]arp[/size:bbea06b9f2] Display the Address Resolution Protocol tables
[size=18:bbea06b9f2]aset [/size:bbea06b9f2] Use the Automated Security Enhancement Tool
[size=18:bbea06b9f2]catman -w [/size:bbea06b9f2] Create the /usr/share/man/windex database for use with
index function available through the apropos command
[size=18:bbea06b9f2]crash [/size:bbea06b9f2] Analyze crash dumps
devlinks Create symbolic links in /dev using information in /devices
[size=18:bbea06b9f2]df -k [/size:bbea06b9f2] Display disk space usage in Kbytes, including free space
[size=18:bbea06b9f2]dfmounts[/size:bbea06b9f2] Display remote file system mount information
[size=18:bbea06b9f2]dfshares[/size:bbea06b9f2] Display shared file system information
[size=18:bbea06b9f2]diff[/size:bbea06b9f2]Compare file contents
[size=18:bbea06b9f2]dmesg [/size:bbea06b9f2] Analyze recent log messages
[size=18:bbea06b9f2]disks[/size:bbea06b9f2] Create symbolic links in /dev/dsk and /dev/rdsk
[size=18:bbea06b9f2]drvconfig [/size:bbea06b9f2] Configure the devices directory and the device information tree
[size=18:bbea06b9f2]eeprom[/size:bbea06b9f2] Analyze and change programmable read-only memory (PROM) settings
[size=18:bbea06b9f2]file [/size:bbea06b9f2] Determine a file’s type
[size=18:bbea06b9f2]find [/size:bbea06b9f2] Search for specific files in the file system structure
[size=18:bbea06b9f2]format [/size:bbea06b9f2] Analyze or modify disk partition information
[size=18:bbea06b9f2]fsck [/size:bbea06b9f2] Check UFS file systems for inconsistencies
[size=18:bbea06b9f2]fsdb [/size:bbea06b9f2] Use file system debugger (see fsdb_ufs in man page s)
[size=18:bbea06b9f2]fstyp [/size:bbea06b9f2] Display extensive file system parameters for a specified file system
[size=18:bbea06b9f2]groups [/size:bbea06b9f2] Display group definitions for a given user
[size=18:bbea06b9f2]grpck [/size:bbea06b9f2] Check the /etc/group file for syntax errors or
[size=18:bbea06b9f2]ifconfig [/size:bbea06b9f2] Analyze the status of .network interfaces
[size=18:bbea06b9f2]infocmp [/size:bbea06b9f2] Compare tic formatted files
[size=18:bbea06b9f2]iostat[/size:bbea06b9f2] Analyze I/O performance issues
[size=18:bbea06b9f2]kadb [/size:bbea06b9f2] Trap kernel and low-level faults
[size=12:bbea06b9f2]last [/size:bbea06b9f2] Display history of system login information
[size=18:bbea06b9f2]ls [/size:bbea06b9f2] Analyze file properties
[size=18:bbea06b9f2]ndd [/size:bbea06b9f2] Get and set named device driver parameters
[size=18:bbea06b9f2]netstat (-i, -r) [/size:bbea06b9f2] Analyze network tuning information, including active routes.
[size=18:bbea06b9f2]newfs [/size:bbea06b9f2] Create and examine file system parameters
[size=18:bbea06b9f2]nfsstat [/size:bbea06b9f2] Analyze NFSTM performance information
[size=18:bbea06b9f2]nm [/size:bbea06b9f2] Display symbol table information for (unstripped) executables (in /usr/ccs/bin)
[size=18:bbea06b9f2]pagesize [/size:bbea06b9f2] Print the size of a memory page in bytes
[size=18:bbea06b9f2]perfmeter [/size:bbea06b9f2] Provide a graphic display of performance metrics
[size=18:bbea06b9f2]ping [/size:bbea06b9f2] Contact network hosts by sending Internet Control Message
Protocol (ICMP) request and reply datagrams
[size=18:bbea06b9f2]pkgchk [/size:bbea06b9f2] Check file integrity and accuracy of installation
[size=18:bbea06b9f2]prtdiag [/size:bbea06b9f2] (on sun4u and sun4d)
Display system configuration and diagnostic information
(kept in /usr/platform/‘uname -m‘/sbin)
[size=18:bbea06b9f2]prtconf -v [/size:bbea06b9f2] Get system device information from POST probe
[size=18:bbea06b9f2]prtconf -vp[/size:bbea06b9f2] Display PROM version (OBP)
[size=18:bbea06b9f2]ps [/size:bbea06b9f2] List properties of running processes (/bin/ps, /usr/ucb/ps)
[size=18:bbea06b9f2]pwck[/size:bbea06b9f2] Check the /etc/passwd file for errors and inconsistencies
[size=18:bbea06b9f2]route [/size:bbea06b9f2] Add, remove, and display kernel route table information
[size=18:bbea06b9f2]rpcinfo [/size:bbea06b9f2] Display information about Remote Procedure Call (RPC) services
A running system Compare symptoms and results between functioning and faulting systems
[size=18:bbea06b9f2]sar [/size:bbea06b9f2] Analyze system performance information (must be initialized in /etc/init.d/perf)
[size=18:bbea06b9f2]shells [/size:bbea06b9f2] Use -x and -v options to provide debugging information
[size=18:bbea06b9f2]showrev -p [/size:bbea06b9f2] List currently installed patches; patchadd -p in Solaris 2.6 and above
[size=18:bbea06b9f2]snoop [/size:bbea06b9f2] Display and analyze network traffic
[size=18:bbea06b9f2]strings [/size:bbea06b9f2] Search object and binary files for ASCII strings
[size=18:bbea06b9f2]SunSolve database [/size:bbea06b9f2] List bug, patch, release, and general technical information for hardware and software
[size=18:bbea06b9f2]sysdef [/size:bbea06b9f2] Analyze device and software configuration information
[size=18:bbea06b9f2]swap [/size:bbea06b9f2] Add, delete, and monitor system swap areas
sum Calculate and print a checksum value for a named file
[size=18:bbea06b9f2]SyMON™ [/size:bbea06b9f2] Use system monitor utility package with interfaces to the
diagnostics package, SUNvts
[size=18:bbea06b9f2]sys_unconfig[/size:bbea06b9f2] Enable you to change information entered during sysidtool
phase of installation
[size=18:bbea06b9f2]tail -f [/size:bbea06b9f2] Leave file open for reading and display what is there
[size=18:bbea06b9f2]tapes [/size:bbea06b9f2] Create logical links to device special files in /devices for tapes
[size=18:bbea06b9f2]tic [/size:bbea06b9f2] Terminfo compiler; translate a terminfo file from the sourceformat into the compiled format
[size=18:bbea06b9f2]timex [/size:bbea06b9f2]List runtime and system activity information during command execution
[size=18:bbea06b9f2]traceroute [/size:bbea06b9f2]Show the routes followed by packets transferred in a subnetted environment
[size=18:bbea06b9f2]truss[/size:bbea06b9f2] Trace system calls issued and used by a program or command
[size=18:bbea06b9f2]tunefs [/size:bbea06b9f2] Modify file system parameters that affect layout policies /usr/proc/bin/* Use utilities that exercise the functions of the /proc file system
[size=18:bbea06b9f2]uname [/size:bbea06b9f2] Print platform, architecture, operating system, and system node information
[size=18:bbea06b9f2]vmstat [/size:bbea06b9f2] Analyze memory performance statistics
[size=18:bbea06b9f2]who am i [/size:bbea06b9f2] Display the effective current user name, terminal line and login time
C.Arthur 回复于:2003-11-12 17:39:58 |
好文,但是看起来比较累 |
wohoo 回复于:2003-11-12 17:44:15 |
nnd,我用空格隔开没有用啊。。。。 |
forliving 回复于:2003-11-12 17:46:41 |
看起来是有些费劲,不过是个好文章。 |
wohoo 回复于:2003-11-12 17:58:29 |
这下改好了,改的我手都酸了,总算把所有的抬头字体加大了。。。。 |
YeLLoW 回复于:2003-11-13 16:23:08 |
太感谢了!! |
Raad 回复于:2003-11-13 16:43:17 |
辛苦辛苦 |
mmmmn 回复于:2003-11-13 18:17:41 |
估计是7的,最多到8 |
wohoo 回复于:2003-11-13 19:37:22 |
mmmmn ,久未出现了啊。
呵呵,大哥好眼力。。。。 确实是老的资料, 不过这些工具还算有用, 我也还没有一一搞熟呢。。。。 |
zcmmhu 回复于:2003-11-13 20:01:14 |
收之! |
LZG8056 回复于:2003-11-14 01:29:47 |
好文,太感谢了。 |
duxf 回复于:2003-11-14 08:18:32 |
感谢共享 |
sunust 回复于:2003-11-14 14:28:44 |
好文,收藏先 |
martin5915 回复于:2003-11-15 14:22:51 |
看来BBCode有问题。 |
martin5915 回复于:2003-11-15 14:26:31 |
注册为会员就看到黑字了。 |
aclacl 回复于:2003-12-19 16:12:38 |
看过一些命令, 但是弄不懂[/size:bbea06b9f2]? |