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RFC602 - The stockings were hung by the chimney with care

发布: 2007-6-23 14:09 | 作者:   | 来源:   | 查看: 47次 | 进入软件测试论坛讨论



Arpa Network Working Group                             Bob Metcalfe (PARC-MAXC)
Request for Comments: 602                                              Dec 1973
NIC #21021

           "The Stockings Were Hung by the Chimney with Care"

The ARPA Computer Network is susceptible to security violations for at least
the three following reasons:

(1)  Individual sites, used to physical limitations on machine access, have
     not yet taken sufficient precautions toward securing their systems
     against unauthorized remote use.  For example, many people still use
     passwords which are easy to guess:  their fist names, their initials,
     their host name spelled backwards, a string of characters which are
     easy to type in sequence (e.g. ZXCVBNM).

(2)  The TIP allows access to the ARPANET to a much wider audience than
     is thought or intended.  TIP phone numbers are posted, like those
     scribbled hastily on the walls of phone booths and men's rooms.  The
     TIP required no user identification before giving service.  Thus,
     many people, including those who used to spend their time ripping off
     Ma Bell, get access to our stockings in a most anonymous way.

(3)  There is lingering affection for the challenge of breaking
     someone's system.  This affection lingers despite the fact that
     everyone knows that it's easy to break systems, even easier to
     crash them.

All of this would be quite humorous and cause for raucous eye
winking and elbow nudging, if it weren't for the fact that in
recent weeks at least two major serving hosts were crashed
under suspicious circumstances by people who knew what they
were risking; on yet a third system, the system wheel password
was compromised -- by two high school students in Los Angeles
no less.

We suspect that the number of dangerous security violations is
larger than any of us know is growing.  You are advised
not to sit "in hope that Saint Nicholas would soon be there".


文章来源于领测软件测试网 https://www.ltesting.net/

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