•Becoming Familiar with the Client/Server Application Under Test
•The GMO application
•Performing an End to End Transaction
•Viewing Objects with SilkTest
•What You Have Learned
•Planning a Testing Strategy
•What is a SilkTest Testplan?
•Understanding the SilkTest Testplan Editor
•Creating a Testplan
•Structuring Your Testplan
•Defining and Associating Attributes
•What You Have Learned
•Capturing Your Application
•The Test Frame
•What is Captured in the Test Frame?
•Creating a Test Frame
•The Window Declaration
•Windows that Precede the Main Window
•Step 1: Create the declaration
•Step 2: Complete the declaration for the wStartup constant
•Step 3: Record the new Invoke method
•Testing DefaultBaseState
•Tags and Identifiers
•Modifying identifiers
文章来源于领测软件测试网 https://www.ltesting.net/