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发布: 2007-7-14 19:53 | 作者: 佚名    | 来源: 网络转载     | 查看: 10次 | 进入软件测试论坛讨论

领测软件测试网 这是ACCESS的类

Class AccessDBM
    var $COUNT = 0;
    var $VALUES = array();
    var $FILE = "";
    var $ERROR = "";
    var $EXISTS = false;
    var $STATIC = false;
    var $EXACT = false;
    var $DBM;

//    Older version of PHP can't do the 'new ClassName(args)'
//    Use initilize() if this is the case.

//    *******************************************************

    function AccessDBM ($dbmFile, $static = 0)
        global $php_errormsg;

                $this->EXISTS = true;
            if($static != 0)
                $this->STATIC = true;
            $this->FILE = $dbmFile;

//    *******************************************************

//    Identical to AccessDBM
    function initialize ($dbmFile, $static = 0)
        global $php_errormsg;

                $this->EXISTS = true;
            if($static != 0)
                $this->STATIC = true;
            $this->FILE = $dbmFile;

//    *******************************************************

    function add_entry ($key, $val)
        $results = 0;
        $dbm = $this->open_dbm();
        if(!$dbm) { return false; }

                $this->ERROR = "Fatal error : could not replace $key with $val";
                return false;
        return true;        

//    *******************************************************

    function remove_entry ($Key)
        global $php_errormsg;
        $removed = false;

        $dbm = $this->open_dbm();
        if(!$dbm) { return false; }

                    $this->ERROR = "Unable to remove [$Key] : [$php_errormsg]";
                    return false;
                $removed = true;
            $this->ERROR = "Key [$Key] does not exist";
            return false;
        return true;

//    *******************************************************

    function get_value ($Key)
        $val = "";
        $readOnly = true;

        $dbm = $this->open_dbm($readOnly);

        if(!$dbm) { return false; }

            $val = dbmfetch($dbm,$Key);
        return $val;

//    *******************************************************

    function open_dbm ($readOnly = false)
        global $php_errormsg;

                $dbm = $this->DBM;
                return ($dbm);

        $fileName = $this->FILE;

            $dbm = @dbmopen($fileName,"n");
                // We want the warning here if we can't be
                // a writer
                $dbm = dbmopen($fileName,"w");
                $dbm = @dbmopen($fileName,"r");
        if( (!$dbm) or (empty($dbm)) )
            $this->EXISTS = false;
            $this->STATIC = false;
            $this->ERROR = "Unable to open [$fileName] [$php_errormsg]";
            return false;
        $this->EXISTS = true;
            $this->DBM = $dbm;

        return ($dbm);


//    *******************************************************

    function find_key ($search)
        $val = "";

        $dbm = $this->open_dbm(1);
        if(!$dbm) { return false; }
            // Wow an exact match
            $val = dbmfetch($dbm,$search);
            $this->EXACT = true;
            return $val;
            $this->EXACT = false;
            $key = dbmfirstkey($dbm);
            while ($key)
                // Strip the first whitespace char and
                // everything after it.
                $test = ereg_replace(" .*","",$key);
                    $val = dbmfetch($dbm,$key);
                    error_log("Test [$test] matched [$search]",0);
                    return $val;
                $key = dbmnextkey($dbm,$key);
        // Didn't find it
        return false;

//    *******************************************************

    // Returns the KEY
    function find_val ($search)
        $this->EXACT = false;

        $Dbase = $this->get_all();
            error_log("ERROR Dbase is empty $DB->ERROR",0);
            return false;
        while ( list ( $key, $val ) = each ($Dbase) )
            if($search == $val)
                return $key;
                // Strip the first whitespace char and
                // everything after it.

                $test = ereg_replace(" .*","",$val);

                    $this->EXACT = false;
                    return $key;
        // Didn't find it
        return false;

//    *******************************************************

    function get_all ()
        $values = array();
        $count = 0;
        $readOnly = true;
        $dbm = $this->open_dbm($readOnly);
        if(!$dbm) { return false; }

        $key = dbmfirstkey($dbm);

        while ($key)
            $val = dbmfetch($dbm,$key);
            $values[$key] = $val;
            $key = dbmnextkey($dbm, $key);
        $this->COUNT = $count;
        $this->VALUES = $values;
        return $values;

//    *******************************************************

    function close_dbm ($dbm)
        $results = false;

            $results = dbmclose($dbm);
        return $results;

//    *******************************************************

    function static_close()
        $results = false;

            $this->ERROR = "No static DBM to close";
            return false;
        $dbm = $this->DBM;
        $results = dbmclose($dbm);
        return $results;

//    *******************************************************


    $static = true;
    $dbase = new AccessDBM("/path/to/file.dbm",$static);


        echo "Error adding entry: $dbase->ERROR\n";
    $Values = $dbase->get_all()
    while ( list ($key,$val) = each ($Values) )
        echo "Key: $key  Val: $val \n";


文章来源于领测软件测试网 https://www.ltesting.net/

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