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发布: 2007-7-01 20:40 | 作者: admin | 来源: | 查看: 11次 | 进入软件测试论坛讨论






所有的赋值运算符的默认实现都遵循下面的语法op_plus_equal< type, other_type = const type &>。其中,type是我们正在转换的赋值运算符,而other_type是第二参数的类型(例如,在a += b的情况下,other_type就是b的类型)。


ops_math_equal (+=,-=,*=,/=,%=)
op_plus_plus (implementsx++/++x as x = x + 1)
op_minus_minus (implements x--/--x as x = x - 1)
ops_all (+=,-=,*=,/=,%=,^=,|=,&=,++,--)
ops_all_for_ptrs (+=,-=,++,--)


template&lt; class type, class other_type = const type &amp;&gt;
struct op_plus_equal
type &amp; operator +=( other_type other)
type * pThis = ( type *)this;
*pThis = *pThis + other;
return *pThis;
}; // +=
template&lt; class type, class other_type = const type &amp;&gt;
struct op_minus_equal
type &amp; operator -=( other_type other)
type * pThis = ( type *)this;
*pThis = *pThis - other;
return *pThis;
}; // -=
template&lt; class type, class other_type = const type &amp;&gt;
struct op_xor_equal
type &amp; operator ^=( other_type other)
type * pThis = ( type *)this;
*pThis = *pThis ^ other;
return *pThis;
}; // ^=
template&lt; class type, class other_type = const type &amp;&gt;
struct op_and_equal
type &amp; operator &amp;=( other_type other)
type * pThis = ( type *)this;
*pThis = *pThis &amp; other;
return *pThis;
}; // &amp;=
template&lt; class type, class other_type = const type &amp;&gt;
struct op_or_equal
type &amp; operator |=( other_type other)
type * pThis = ( type *)this;
*pThis = *pThis | other;
return *pThis;
}; // |=
template&lt; class type, class other_type = const type &amp;&gt;
struct op_multiply_equal
type &amp; operator *=( other_type other)
type * pThis = ( type *)this;
*pThis = *pThis * other;
return *pThis;
}; // *=
template&lt; class type, class other_type = const type &amp;&gt;
struct op_divide_equal
type &amp; operator /=( other_type other)
type * pThis = ( type *)this;
*pThis = *pThis / other;
return *pThis;
}; // /=
template&lt; class type, class other_type = const type &amp;&gt;
struct op_modulus_equal
type &amp; operator %=( other_type other)
type * pThis = ( type *)this;
*pThis = *pThis % other;
return *pThis;
}; // %=
template&lt; class type, class other_type = const type &amp;&gt;
struct ops_math_equal
: op_plus_equal&lt; type, other_type&gt;, op_minus_equal&lt; type, other_type&gt;,
op_multiply_equal&lt; type, other_type&gt;, op_divide_equal&lt; type, other_type&gt;,
op_modulus_equal&lt; type, other_type&gt;
{}; // math equal: +=, -=, *=, /=, %=
template&lt; class type, class other_type = const type &amp;&gt;
struct ops_all_equal
: op_plus_equal&lt; type, other_type&gt;, op_minus_equal&lt; type, other_type&gt;,
op_multiply_equal&lt; type, other_type&gt;, op_divide_equal&lt; type, other_type&gt;,
op_modulus_equal&lt; type, other_type&gt;, op_xor_equal&lt; type, other_type&gt;,
op_or_equal&lt; type, other_type&gt;, op_and_equal&lt; type, other_type&gt;
{}; // all equal: +=, -=, *=, /=, %=, ^=, |=, &amp;=
template&lt; class type, class other_type = int&gt;
struct op_plus_plus
type &amp; operator++()
type * pThis = ( type *)this;
*pThis = *pThis + other_type( 1);
return *pThis;
type operator++(int)
type * pThis = ( type *)this;
type tmp( *pThis);
*pThis = *pThis + other_type( 1);
return tmp;
}; // ++
template&lt; class type, class other_type = int&gt;
struct op_minus_minus
type &amp; operator--()
type * pThis = ( type *)this;
*pThis = *pThis - other_type( 1);
return *pThis;
type operator--(int)
type * pThis = ( type *)this;
type tmp( *pThis);
*pThis = *pThis - other_type( 1);
return tmp;
}; // --
template&lt; class type, class other_type = const type &amp;&gt;
struct ops_all
: public ops_all_equal&lt; type, other_type&gt;, public op_plus_plus&lt; type&gt;,
public op_minus_minus&lt; type&gt;
{}; // all: +=, -=, *=, /=, %=, ^=, |=, &amp;=, ++, --
// operations supported for pointers
template&lt; class type&gt;
struct ops_all_for_ptrs
: public op_plus_equal&lt; type, int&gt;, public op_minus_equal&lt; type, int&gt;,
public op_plus_plus&lt; type&gt;, public op_minus_minus&lt; type&gt;
{}; // all for pointers: +=, -=, ++, --
#endif // OPERATORS_H


#include &lt;string&gt;
#include &lt;iostream&gt;
#include "operators.h"

struct named_int
: public ops_all&lt; named_int, int&gt;
named_int( int value = 0, const std::string &amp; strName = std::string())
: m_value( value), m_strName( strName) {}
named_int( const std::string &amp; strName)
: m_value( 0), m_strName( strName) {}
operator const int () const
{ return m_value; }
named_int &amp; operator=( int other)
{ m_value = other; return *this; }
named_int &amp; operator=( const named_int &amp; other)
{ m_value = other.m_value; return *this; }

const std::string &amp; get_name() const
{ return m_strName; }
void set_name( const std::string &amp; strName)
{ m_strName = strName; }
int m_value;
std::string m_strName;

std::istream &amp; operator&gt;&gt;( std::istream &amp; streamIn, named_int &amp; value)
{ int n; streamIn &gt;&gt; n; value = n; return streamIn; }

void read_and_validate( named_int &amp; n, int nLeast, int nMost)
std::cout &lt;&lt; "Enter " &lt;&lt; n.get_name() &lt;&lt; std::endl;
bool bSuccess = false;
while ( !bSuccess)
std::cin &gt;&gt; n;
bSuccess = ( n &gt;= nLeast) &amp;&amp; ( n &lt;= nMost);
if ( !bSuccess)
std::cout &lt;&lt; "nError! (valid values are between " &lt;&lt; nLeast
&lt;&lt; " and " &lt;&lt; nMost &lt;&lt; ") Try again!" &lt;&lt; std::endl;

int main(int argc, char* argv[])
named_int nDepartments( "No of Departments");
named_int nEmployees( "No Of Employees");
// reads the no. of departments; valid values are between 1 and 100
read_and_validate( nDepartments, 1, 100);
// reads the no. of employees; each departments
// can have at least 1 employee, at most 10 employees
read_and_validate( nEmployees, nDepartments, nDepartments * 10);
return 0;



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