> 1) login as root
> 2)# edquota UserNameYouWantLimit
> ( enter vi
> 0 -- nolimit
> hard -- absolute limit
> soft -- a limit you may exceed temprarily.
can you give me a complete line?
When I type edquota sunhh
the system invoke a vi /tmp/EdP.aa00926 and
the file have a line
Quotas for user sunhh:
then what should I do ?
Quotas for users sunhh : hard ....
what is the unit? can I use M K B ?
> 3) in the FILE SYSTEM you want set quota, there should be a file named
> quotas
> ~~~~~~
> you can create it by
> # cp /dev/null quotas
under which dir ? in /home or in /
the file should be create beforce edquota or after edquota?
> 4) quotaon on /etc/rc , that is in your /etc/rc , there should be lines
> like :
> /usr/etc/quotaon /home
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> to make the quota effect on /home .
I am using a Linux system , which file should I edit?
where can I find the detail staff about quota?
> Is it clear ? sorry for my poor English :-(
文章来源于领测软件测试网 https://www.ltesting.net/