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Eureka! Mozilla Firebird 0.6 --- GB2312
发布: 2007-6-08 22:43 |
作者: seanhe |
查看: 19次 | 进入软件测试论坛讨论
En_route 回复于:2003-08-23 05:58:45
| En_route 回复于:2003-08-24 06:54:46
| And this one for reference:
| szh 回复于:2003-08-26 10:01:15
| 可以将您配置网络和中文包的安装的所有步骤给大家共享出来吗?
| En_route 回复于:2003-08-26 11:17:38
| My pleasure to share my experience with people interested in UNIX.
Main components needed (others components, if needed, should be available from freeware.sgi.com or other freeware from the internet):
(a) mozilla-firebird from www.freeware.sgi.com; and
(b) cxterm5.1p2 from http://www.nekochan.net
(see the "on-site download" section (near bottom right).
Step 1: install mozilla-firebird (standard procedure for SGI freeware)
Step 2: install cxterm (standard installation for tar.gz)
[NB: remember to use unzip from freeware.sgi.com or similar for this is a gz file and NOT a tardist file]
Step 3: to use the GB 2312 character set, run CXterm&
[NB. I think this invokes the GB2312 character set under X that comes with cxterm so that you don't need proprietary Chinese Language software, someone may confirm this point, probably from friends/experts in the Linux forum].
Step 4: run mozilla-firebird.
(Startup time is pretty quick with my INDY MIPS R5000 180 Mhz. High-end machines should run even faster because mozilla-firebird is a lightweight browser)
That's it !!!
(Some of the screenshots during installation can be found in this posting: you should see the cxterm icon in my third grab. For your information, I started off with lynx which may prove to be a good exercise for those who need a little warm up in installing packages under IRIX.
Please translate it in Chinese GB2312 as my Chinese input skill is next to a handicapped.
Thanks for your interest in this little adventure.
| Zinx 回复于:2003-08-30 19:48:49
| 咋这么丑?
文章来源于领测软件测试网 https://www.ltesting.net/
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