有一种很自然的倾向,就是在进行到下一个测试任务之前先完成一个任务,但这可能导致你过晚地发现坏消息。对所有领域都了解一些比深入了解几个领域更重要。如果你发现了问题在哪个地方,你可以更深入地测试它们,通过发现重要 bug来帮助开发人员提高质量。
Strictly, I\'ve been over-simplistic in describing testing\'s role as reducing uncertainty. It would be better to say \"risk-weighted uncertainty\". Some areas in the product are riskier than others, perhaps because they\'re used by more customers or because failures in that area would be particularly severe. Riskier areas require more certainty. Failing to correctly identify risky areas is a common mistake, and it leads to misallocated testing effort. There are two sound approaches for identifying risky areas:[Page]
1. Ask everyone you can for their opinion. Gather data from developers, marketers, technical writers, customer support people, and whatever customer representatives you can find. See [Kaner96a] for a good description of this kind of collaborative test planning.
2. Use historical data. Analyzing bug reports from past products (especially those from customers, but also internal bug reports) helps tell you what areas to explore in this project.
使用历史数据。分析以前产品的 bug 报告(特别是来自客户的,但也要包含内部 bug 报告)可以帮助你辨别在这个项目中还需要探索哪些领域。
\"So, winter\'s early this year. We\'re still going to invade Russia.\"
Good testers are systematic and organized, yet they are exposed to all the chaos and twists and turns and changes of plan typical of a software development project. In fact, the chaos is magnified by the time it gets to testers, because of their position at the end of the food chain and typically low status. One unfortunate reaction is sticking stubbornly to the test plan. Emotionally, this can be very satisfying: \"They can flail around however they like, but I\'m going to hunker down and do my job.\" The problem is that your job is not to write tests. It\'s to find the bugs that matter in the areas of greatest uncertainty and risk, and ignoring changes in the reality of the product and project can mean that your testing becomes irrelevant.
好的测试员是有计划、有组织的,但他们受到计划,特别是软件开发项目计划的各种混乱、各种意外转折的影响,因为他们处于食物链的最后一环,而且通常地位比较低。一个不幸的反应是固执地坚持测试计划。从感情上讲,这会令人很满意:“他们可以随意胡乱摆弄,但我要坐下来做我的工作。”但问题是你的工作不是编写测试。而是在最不确定和危险的领域发现 bug 。忽略产品和项目的实际变化可能意味着你的测试变得无关紧要。
That\'s not to say that testers should jump to readjust all their plans whenever there\'s a shift in the wind, but my experience is that more testers let their plans fossilize than overreact to project change.[Page]
文章来源于领测软件测试网 https://www.ltesting.net/