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发布: 2008-2-18 16:55 | 作者: IT英语  | 来源: 希赛网 | 查看: 32次 | 进入软件测试论坛讨论

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:u-G%zSpG'm5WAt this point, it should be stated that the,(·)symbol used in the expression A·B·C is the AND operator and indicates logical multiplication. Forexample, condition 8 in Figure 6-5 can be interpreted as 1·l·I=1; whereas condition 7 can be interpreted as 1·1·0=0.    软件测试技术门户4Db`S^m b
  Using the same approach, we find that all other condition(1through6) also produce a zero. It is important to remember that in the binary system, a 2:annot exist一only I's and O's. As with ordinary algebra, the operator symbol(.)can be omitted: thus,A·B•C=ABC and is read "A AND B AND C"。

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