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发布: 2008-2-17 14:10 | 作者: 不详 | 来源: 不详 | 查看: 111次 | 进入软件测试论坛讨论




  Ransomware is a type of malware used for data kidnapping, an exploit in which the attacker encrypts the victim’s data and demands payment for the decryption key. Ransomware is said to have originated in Russia, It and other cyberextortion methods, such as DoS extortion, are becoming more common around the world. To protect against data kidnapping——and many other online crimes——experts urge that users back up data regularly, practice cautious browsing and refrain from opening unexpected e-mail attachments.



  Brain Fingerprinting

  Brain fingerprinting is a controversial technique that is advocated as a way to identify a terrorist or other dangerous person by measuring the “brainprint” of that person when shown a particular body of writing or an image that was previously familiar (such as of a training camp or manual). The brainprint is based on the P300 complex, a series of well-known brainwave components that can be measured. The technique is said to be more effective than a lie detector test. The technique is invented by Dr. Lawrence Farwell, has used the technique in at least one court case to determine the innocence of a man convicted of murder and the guilt of his accuser.


  脑纹是一项有争议的技术,被提出用作识别恐怖分子或其他危险分子的方法,通过向他出示以前熟悉的特定书面文件或图像(如训练营或手册)时测量他的“脑纹”。脑纹是基于P300脑波复合图,这是一系列著名的可测量脑波。据说此技术比测谎仪测试更有效。该项技术是Lawrence Farwell博士发明的,已至少一次被用于法院案例,以证明一名谋杀嫌疑人是无辜的、而原告是有罪的。



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