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发布: 2008-2-17 14:10 | 作者: 不详 | 来源: 不详 | 查看: 110次 | 进入软件测试论坛讨论




  (slang) Formed from the combination of Internet and amnesia, internesia is the inability to remember which Web site or other Internet-related location (such as E-Mail or newsgroups) specific information came from.



  Snake Oil

  Refers to a cryptography or security product that makes exaggerated claims of what the product is capable of. The term snake oil comes from the 19th-century American practice of selling cure-all elixirs in traveling medicine shows. Snake oil salesmen would falsely claim that the potions would cure any ailments. The term has been appropriated to mean security and encryption products that make impossible claims, such as unbreakable codes.


  指言过其实的加密或安全产品。蛇油这个术语出自 19世纪在旅游药展上销售包治百病的万能药的美国做法。蛇油销售人员谎称该药能治任何疾病。用此词表示那些不可能做到(如不会破译的代码)的安全和加密产品非常适合。

  Community Computing

  Community computing is a resource-sharing model in which users are provided with free or low-cost access to centralized computers. Promoted as a way to help to bridge the digital divide, community computing enables disadvantaged people to learn computer skills and have reliable computer access. The newly-learned skills, in turn, afford people more opportunities to improve their lives in a range of areas, such as furthering their education and finding employment.





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