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发布: 2010-6-13 11:15 | 作者: 不详 | 来源: 领测国际采编 | 查看: 25次 | 进入软件测试论坛讨论


  The test program will execute the same mini-scripts for each row.


  In other words, your structure is:


  Load the test case matrix


  For each row I (row = test case)


  For each column J (column = parameter)


  Execute the script for this parameter: 为该参数执行脚本:

  · Navigate to the appropriate dialog box or menu 导航至合适的对话框或菜单。

  · Set the variable to the value specified in test item (I,J) 把变量设置为测试项(I,J)指定的值

  Run test I and evaluate the results


  If the program’s design changed, and the Caption Location was moved to a different dialog, you’d only have to change a few lines of code, in the one mini-script that handles the caption location. You would only have to change these lines once: this change will carry over to every test case in the spreadsheet. This separation of code from data is tremendously efficient compared to modifying the script for each test case.


  There are several other ways for setting up a data-driven approach. For example, Bret Pettichord (one of the LAWST participants) fills his spreadsheet with lists of commands. [7] Each row lists the sequence of commands required to execute a test (one cell per command). If the user interface changes in a way that changes a command sequence, the tester can fix the affected test cases by modifying the spreadsheet rather than by rewriting code. Other testers use sequences of simple test cases or of machine states.

  还有其它几种建立数据驱动的方法。例如,Bret Pettichord(LAWST的成员之一)在他的电子表格中添加了命令行。每一行都列出执行一个测试所需的命令序列(一个单元格对应一个命令)。如果用户界面的一个命令序列发生了变化,那么测试人员可以通过修改电子表格,而不是重写代码来更正相关的测试用例。另外,还有其他测试人员使用简单测试用例序列或状态机序列来建立数据驱动。

  Another way to drive testing with data uses previously created documents. Imagine testing a word processor by feeding it a thousand documents. For each document, the script makes the word processor load the document and perform a sequence of simple actions (such as printing).


  A well-designed data-driven approach can make it easier for non-programming test planners to specify their test cases because they can simply write them into the matrix. Another by-product of this approach, if you do it well, is a set of tables that concisely show what test cases are being run by the automation tool.



文章来源于领测软件测试网 https://www.ltesting.net/


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