Imagine writing 100 scripts to test a mere 100 of these combinations. If one element of the interface should change—for example, if Caption Typeface moves from one dialog box to another—then you might have to revise each script.]

Figure 2 The first few rows of a test matrix for a table formatter
图2 某表格格式的测试矩阵的前几行
Now imagine working from a test matrix. A test case is specified by a combination of the values of the many parameters. In the matrix, each row specifies a test case and each column is a parameter setting. For example, Column 1 might specify the Caption Location, Column 2 the Caption Typeface, and Column 3 the Caption Style. There are a few dozen columns.
现在,假设根据一个测试矩阵来工作。我们用很多参数值的一种组合来确定一个测试用例。在矩阵中,每一行确定了一个测试用例,而每一列则代表一个参数。例如,第1列可以是标题位置,第2列可以是标题字体 ,而第3列则是标题风格。这样就会得到若干列。
Create your matrix using a spreadsheet, such as Excel.
To execute these test cases, write a script that reads the spreadsheet, one row (test case) at a time, and executes mini-scripts to set each parameter as specified in the spreadsheet. Suppose that we’re working on Row 2 in Figure 2’s matrix. The first mini-script would read the value in the first column (Caption Location), navigate to the appropriate dialog box and entry field, and set the Caption Location to Right, the value specified in the matrix . Once all the parameters have been set, you do the rest of the test. In this case, you would print the table and evaluate the output.
文章来源于领测软件测试网 https://www.ltesting.net/