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发布: 2010-6-13 11:15 | 作者: 不详 | 来源: 领测国际采编 | 查看: 26次 | 进入软件测试论坛讨论



  o understand the requirements;


  o adopt an architecture that allows us to efficiently develop, integrate, and maintain our features and data;


  o adopt and live with standards. (I don’t mean grand schemes like ISO 9000 or CMM. I mean that it makes sense for two programmers working on the same project to use the same naming conventions, the same structure for documenting their modules, the same approach to error handling, etc.. Within any group of programmers, agreements to follow the same rules are agreements on standards);

  采用并遵守标准。(我不是指如ISO 9000 或者CMM这样的大型标准。我的意思是务必使在同一个项目中的两个程序员使用相同的命名规则、相同的模块文档结构、相同的错误处理方法等。在任何一个程序员团队中,遵守相同规则本身就是一种标准)

  o be disciplined.


  Of all people, testers must realize just how important it is to follow a disciplined approach to software development instead of using quick-and-dirty design and implementation. Without it, we should be prepared to fail as miserably as so many of the applications we have tested.


  3.Use a data-driven architecture. [6]


  In discussing successful projects, we saw two classes of approaches, data-driven design and framework-based design. These can be followed independently, or they can work well together as an integrated approach.


  A data-driven example: Imagine testing a program that lets the user create and print tables. Here are some of the things you can manipulate:


  o The table caption. It can vary in typeface, size, and style (italics, bold, small caps, or normal).


文章来源于领测软件测试网 https://www.ltesting.net/


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